• 2 months ago
Hoy en la #LVBP Fabiola Sabedra 🔥⚾

Repasamos todo lo que dejó la jornada del domingo en el béisbol venezolano

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#Beisbol #HoyEnLaLVBP #Venezuela #RoundRobin


00:00How about friends of baseball play, I am Fabiola Saavedra and next we will give a brief review of the round robin day, this is today in the LBBP.
00:16We start this tour of the Sunday round with the triumph of Cardinals de Lara, who remains in the leadership of the classification in this round robin of the Venezuelan professional baseball league.
00:29The Larenses cut the inspiration to Navigantes del Magallanes with a final board of 4 races by 3.
00:38More than 10,000 people were present in this interesting duel in the Antonio Herrera Gutiérrez de Barquisimeto, in support of the Twilights who continue to show themselves solid in the all-against-all and that the set is practically classified to the grand final.
00:56Only a little is missing to seal his pass officially.
01:01The electricians began with the production of stripes, Jan Herbi Solarte batted with high sacrifice and Carlos Rodríguez scored the first race of the game.
01:13Then Tucupita Marcano dispatched his second quadrangular of the postseason to keep up with his.
01:20But the response of the locals did not take long to arrive. At the end of the third episode, Gorkis Hernández connected a double rebounder.
01:30Then Rangel Ravelo responded with a three-line bambinazo to surpass the rivals in the scoreboard, 4 races by 2.
01:40Those led by Edi Pérez continued to try and did not lower their arms for nothing.
01:47In the fifth stretch, Carlos Rodríguez connected high sacrifice and José Gómez arrived at the register, thus marking the last race of the shipyard set.
01:58The toletería of the visiting division managed to connect 8 incogibles, of which 6 were dispatched in front of Mats Castillo, who turned out to be the winning pitcher of this commitment.
02:12The opener worked for 5 complete episodes, allowed the 3 races with a quadrangular and awarded a passport.
02:20Arnaldo Hernández now treasures 7 rescues of the 9 victories of the Laurenses. The defeat was carried by Eduard Colina.
02:31For this Monday, the last week of action of the Round Robin begins, where the Magallanes will be receiving the Bravos of Margarita, which comes from the rest day.
02:42The Valencia team treasures a mark of 5 victories and 7 defeats, for which it is located in the third position of the table, behind the insulars.
02:54On the other hand, the twilight visit some inspired tigers of Aragua in the city of Maracay from 7 at night.
03:05And in the city of Jardín, the tigers of Aragua whitened the eagles of Enzulia and harvest a streak of 2 victories to the thread.
03:18The toletería of the Bengalíes looked on fire, thus making 6 races in a commitment that lasted 2 hours and 53 minutes.
03:28Up to 13 unbeatable ones dispatched those led by Russell Vásquez, returning to Ñicos the pitching of the Ulianos.
03:37Lorenzo Cedrola celebrated his birthday number 27 to the great, being the offensive spark of the team.
03:45The young battle champion tied for 4-3 with a double, a remarkable race and another scored.
03:52Guillermo Moscoso opened for the locals, launched for 3 innings and matched Juan Carlos Pulido as the pitcher with more games started in the postseason with the Bengalíes, with a figure of 17.
04:08In turn, he reached 87 innings and 2 thirds thrown, thus surpassing Jorman Basardo in third place with more entries in the postseason with the tigers of Aragua.
04:23Cristian Mejías took the victory by working for a stretch without allowing hits or races.
04:30And in this factor he eradicated the victory of the tigers, in the pitching that looked totally hermetic, quite the opposite of the rapacious pitchers.
04:41Alberto Guerrero was the one in charge of the defeat. The Serpentineiro acted on the line for 4 innings and 1 third.
04:49They connected 6 unbeatable ones, a couple of races, awarded 2 tickets and fanned 2 opponents.
04:56With this result against, the Eagles remain in fourth place of the table with a record of 5 victories and 7 defeats.
05:05A very complex panorama. Tomorrow they take a break to return to action on Tuesday against the Magallanes sailors in the Luis Aparicio El Grande.
05:17While the tigers will continue to work to stay on the path of triumph with a record of 4 victories and 8 defeats.
05:26The Bengalis not only need to win all the games that are left of the round robin, but also to tie results from other matches in order to reach the possibility of going to the final of the LBBP.
05:41This Monday against Cardenales de Lara will be measured from 7 p.m. in Barquisimeto.