• 2 months ago
Hoy en la #LVBP con Fabiola SabedrađŸ”„âšŸ

Repasamos todo lo que dejó la jornada del miercoles en el béisbol venezolano

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#Beisbol #HoyEnLaLVBP #Venezuela #RoundRobin
00:00How about baseball play friends, I am Fabiola Saavedra and then we will give a brief review
00:09of the round robin day, this is today at the lbbp. We started this tour of the Venezuelan ball
00:19with the new laurel of the margarita bravos three races for two against the tigers of
00:24Aragua in stadium 9 Esparta in Guatemala, it was not until the ninth episode that the
00:30offensive of the Bengalis woke up, those of José Moreno keep their eyes fixed on one of the
00:36positions that classifies them for the first time to the grand final of Venezuelan baseball with a
00:42record of seven victories and four defeats, the insulars are located in the second position of the
00:48classification to stay in this place as they would be advancing in the local tournament again
00:55the merit of this victory lies in the performance of its launchers, especially in Ángel Rondón,
01:02who was the opener and marked the way to the triumph of this Friday night, the
01:08Serpentineiro grew completely in the mound, launched for six full innings without receiving
01:14races, there were barely three of the five gibles that connected him, he gave a ticket and fanned out
01:21to seven rivals with this great performance he took the victory Claudio Custodio arrived at five
01:28saved in the postseason of the lbbp Custodio got complicated for a moment in fact in the
01:35last episode the Bengalis took advantage of the moment to avoid the blanking a single
01:41from JermĂ­n Mercedes sent Cafecito MartĂ­nez to the registrar and then Alcides Escobar
01:48fanned out one of his teammates so that finally the visiting division registered a pair of
01:54races and six unbeatable in terms of the atleterĂ­a de los bravos because they began to make
02:01stripes from the second chapter which arrived at the feet of Juan Santana and Carlos PĂ©rez
02:08at the sixth inning Wilson Ramos expanded the lead in the scoreboard thanks to his second
02:14square dispatched in the all-against-all this Saturday both teams are back to
02:20measure from 5 in the afternoon in the pearl of the Caribbean the tigers in search of
02:26revenge with a balance of two victories and eight defeats with a panorama for nothing
02:32nice since they are goalkeepers in the round robin to five games of the leader and only
02:38six commitments remain in the semifinals, meanwhile in Valencia one of the great
02:48challenges was experienced in the semifinal of the Venezuelan professional baseball league after a
02:54take and give me navigators of the magallanes managed to defeat the eagles of zulia in the
03:01jose bernardo pérez stadium of valencia navigators dominated the commitment in the first third of the
03:08game included with a bambinazo of luis suizbel and the horn of two races of gabriel arias the
03:15third on his own in the all-against-all but zulia was responding and making races
03:21as soon as possible at the top of the fifth episode rocne odor hit double driving
03:29ausley bisbassabi in this way the game was tied for the first time later andrés chaparro
03:36overturned the race of the difference so that zulia went up, however, the joy of
03:42the boys lasted a short time because albert martĂ­nez connected with ron to keep the ship up
03:49on the board, the last entry of the commitment arrived, however, those led by lizzo nava did not
03:56lower their arms at any time because thanks to another bambinazo, this time by andrés chaparro,
04:03the eagles tied the shares again, the score was 8 to 8 but the response
04:10of the ship was more than opportune, closing the ninth episode, they knew how to face the
04:16eagles with a silvino braccio who sought to close the game in favor of his own but the
04:22lottery of the electricians was totally inspired renato nĂșñez beat round for
04:28forced out but carlos rodrĂ­guez who was in third finally arrived at the register
04:34to put an end to the duel and arrive with the race of the difference luis suizbel was the
04:41most outstanding by the locals the young man of 21 years old left 4-2 with a triple a
04:47quadrangular remolcĂł three lines and scored a pair for the eagles the winner to the rookie of the
04:54year of last year safra andrés chaparro who continues to be effective for the eagles the
05:00first base tied for 4-2 a double a quadrangular pair of driven races and the same amount
05:07of scores in the lomita wilkin rodrĂ­guez took the victory which would be his first in
05:14postseason the closer worked for an entrance where he allowed a pair of hits a race product
05:22of the quadrangular of chaparro and three punches the defeat was carried by silvino braccio who
05:28remained in the lomita for two thirds allowed a pair of unbeatable a race and fanned a single
05:35rival with this victory navigator is in position number 4 of the classification
05:42with a balance of five victories and six defeats to only two and a half games from the tip, on the other
05:49hand, the eagles begin to complicate the panorama since they are in third place and
05:56begin to move away from the positions that classify them towards the grand final, the
06:03sulian team has a record of five victories and the same number of defeats, the locals are
06:10forced to pass the page quickly since this Saturday from 6 in the afternoon they will be
06:18facing the cardinals of lara in the city of barquisimeto some laredenses who by the way
06:24come to enjoy a rest day friends in this way we finish we invite you
06:31to interact in the different digital platforms it places us as arroa baseball play and subscribe