• 2 months ago
बीएड डिग्रीधारी शिक्षकों का प्रदर्शन जारी है. सरकार तक अपनी बात पहुंचाने के लिए शिक्षक अब सर्दी में अनोखा प्रदर्शन कर रहे हैं.


00:00We have rights, we too are a family, we too have rights to self-defense!
00:07We want power!
00:09We want freedom!
00:12We want our orders!
00:15We want our rights!
00:17This will happen if we join!
00:22The movement for Degree Scholars continues.
00:26They are demonstrating in different ways.
00:29Right now, we are standing at the Naya Rai Purusha Dharna Isthal, where you can see behind us the teachers who are protesting at the Dharna Isthal.
00:38Today, women have blindfolded themselves.
00:40We will ask them why they have blindfolded themselves.
00:42There are some students who are also present at the Dharna Isthal.
00:46There are hundreds of them here.
00:47Today is the Chhera Chheri festival, which is celebrated by the people of Chhattisgarh.
00:52But today, on this Sunday, they have to protest, they have to sit with their demands.
00:57They are constantly asking for their demands from the government.
00:59They have the power in their hands to give jobs to B.Ed. teachers, to make the country safe.
01:03And they are asking for this with the help of the government.
01:05We will talk to these people.
01:07There are some people sitting on the stage, some women are sitting.
01:09Let's start with the women first.
01:11Why have they blindfolded themselves today?
01:13Why have you blindfolded yourselves today?
01:16Sir, we have blindfolded ourselves.
01:21Because we cannot see the situation in which our male colleagues are sitting.
01:28That is why we have blindfolded ourselves.
01:32And does the government want us to sit in the same way that our male colleagues are sitting?
01:40Should we sit in the same way?
01:43That is why we request the government to quickly decide the date of our committee and give us a positive report.
01:52You should also know what all demands you have made.
01:57We have been asking for a meeting with the government for a long time, but the government is not listening to us.
02:02They are not giving us any positive response.
02:04Today, we are in such a situation that our teacher colleagues are in such a situation that they are on the road.
02:11But the government has not given us any positive news.
02:14I want them to give us positive news as soon as possible so that we are happy.
02:18So that we can celebrate the festival as well as the rest of the people.
02:22We have not been able to know what a festival is for a long time.
02:25But today we are requesting the government to give us a chance to celebrate.
02:31How are you celebrating Shera Sheri? Why are you sitting on the stage?
02:35Some of our colleagues have gone to the government to ask for Shera Shera.
02:39To arrange for Shera Shera for us.
02:42But they have not come yet.
02:45So I don't know what has happened.
02:46Some people are sitting on the stage, they have removed their sets.
02:51And some are not even wearing their vests.
02:52Let's talk to them as well.
02:53How are you celebrating today?
02:56Please tell us.
02:59Sir, today we are protesting for self-respect and our job security.
03:06The government is sitting with its eyes closed.
03:08That's why we are sitting naked today.
03:14Because we have lost our self-respect.
03:17We are fighting to save it.
03:22The government will wake up and give us our self-respect and our job.
03:27And we will be able to maintain the self-respect that we have gained in the society.
03:36Some guardians have also come.
03:38The people who are sitting on the stage have also come.
03:40Let's talk to them.
03:40What would you like to say about the way you are protesting today?
03:43I saw him lying on the road.
03:49I have come from Baloda Bazaar.
03:53Today, the government of Chhattisgarh is sleeping.
03:57They can't even see him.
04:00They are not aware that the government has chosen them.
04:03They are not aware that the government has chosen them.
04:05Remember, we can do this again.
04:10What would you like to say to the people?
04:12The government of Chhattisgarh issued an order on 31st December.
04:163000 primary school students have been given the order to complete their service.
04:22I have sent my daughter to MSC.
04:26I have trained her for 2 years.
04:29And today, she is hungry and thirsty.
04:31She has been sitting hungry since morning till night.
04:34They are protesting on the road.
04:38Has the government of Chhattisgarh woken up and gone to sleep?
04:43I request the government to take back the order on the completion of their service.
04:50To cancel the order on the completion of their service.
04:54And to take them to the service immediately.
04:56And to arrange for their service.
04:58What impact is the job loss having on the family?
05:00My son has been protesting here for the past month.
05:04This is the first time in the history of Chhattisgarh.
05:07The government of Chhattisgarh is trying to put a black mark on this.
05:12I request the government of Chhattisgarh to arrange for their service.
05:19And to stop the game of paper.
05:24Because this is a game for the future of the children.
05:27And the government of Congress and BJP is not involved in this.
05:32This is not an order issued by any political party.
05:35This is an order issued by the government of Chhattisgarh.
05:38This is an order issued by the government of Chhattisgarh.
05:41The children have been working for 1.5-1.5 years.
05:43And in this situation, many people have lost their lives.
05:48And the children are not in a position to go back to work.
05:51That is why I request the government of Chhattisgarh to arrange for their service.
06:00I myself work for the BJP.
06:04And I have sent them to Chhattisgarh with the same intention.
06:08And I request the government of Chhattisgarh to arrange for their service.
06:13You have been protesting for a long time. What have you done so far?
06:20We have been protesting for 29 days.
06:24We have done hunger strike, we have done mutiny.
06:27We have tried all the means available to the government.
06:34We have tried all the means available to the government.
06:38We have tried all the means available to the government.
06:41We have tried all the means available to the government.
06:44We have tried all the means available to the government.
06:46We have tried all the means available to the government.
06:51We have tried all the means available to the government.
06:54We have tried all the means available to the government.
07:00We have tried all the means available to the government.
07:03Who has given you the job? The BJP, the Congress or the government?
07:06The government of Chhattisgarh has given us the job.
07:09It has the signature of the state.
07:11It does not have the signature of the BJP or the Congress.
07:14I am a citizen of Chhattisgarh. I am a citizen of India.
07:16I did not get the same security as the law.
07:20If there is injustice with the D.E.D. people, then there is injustice with us.
07:23What do they want to prove by wearing the uniform of the committee?
07:26They want us to be happy for four days.
07:29We will forget you after the elections.
07:31Which committee has given the report?
07:33I will first question the committee.
07:36Why has the committee been formed?
07:38Has it been formed to give us the job or is it thinking about it?
07:41If they want to give us the job, then we are not asking for it.
07:44We are just asking for the report of the committee.
07:48The demonstration that we are doing in the middle of the road will go on foot.
07:53This is the first time that the committee has come to listen to us.
07:55It will start on the 18th or 19th.
07:58We cannot go on foot. We cannot go on the road.
08:01We do not meet the ministers.
08:03Has anyone come to meet you?
08:06No, sir. We have been sitting here for a long time.
08:08No one has come to meet us.
08:10How are you communicating with each other?
08:11You are talking to each other.
08:12You have been left alone.
08:13The government is not rectifying the situation.
08:15We try to communicate with each other.
08:16Sir, wherever we go, we are abused.
08:19Recently, we had gone to the Home Minister's house to keep our things there.
08:23But the police comes there and tries to chase us away.
08:27Some of your colleagues have gone to the hospital and some to the jail.
08:29What is the situation there?
08:31All of them have gone to the jail, sir.
08:32Have they come or not?
08:33No, sir. They have not come.
08:34Some of your colleagues have gone to the hospital and got admitted.
08:36Were they sick?
08:37They were sick, sir.
08:38They were sitting here hungry.
08:40They were about to get sick.
08:41No one is looking here, sir.
08:42How many people are there in the hospital?
08:44Eight people.
08:45Eight people.
08:46You can say that the movement is going on.
08:47The government is fulfilling their demands.
08:50They are continuously protesting on the ground.
08:53You can talk to other people.
08:54What do you think about the government's attitude towards the movement?
08:58Sir, I would like to say that this is not a movement but a protest.
09:03Yesterday, people saw that the women are prostrating.
09:09The villagers are protesting.
09:10I have come here from Baitak.
09:12The villagers are sitting here and giving their opinions.
09:16There should be a time limit.
09:18It is not a matter of 30 minutes.
09:19It is not a matter of 30 minutes for which we have been here for 30 days.
09:23I have come here myself, sir.
09:24The government has made a committee.
09:25Sir, the committee has been made.
09:27That is what I am saying.
09:28It is not a matter of 30 minutes.
09:30They have been here for 30 days.
09:32What decision is the government taking?
09:34I don't understand anything.
09:35You can say that the movement is going on.
09:37Can you show how the women have been massacred?
09:39In different massacres.
09:40I will show you.
09:41Everyone has been massacred.
09:43In different massacres, different things have been done.
09:45Even in one such massacre, it is written that do not be patient.
09:48Break the silence of the government.
09:50Why have the teachers not broken the silence of the government?
09:54What is the government doing with their demands?
09:56How does it decide?
09:58Although the government has made a committee.
10:00After the committee's decision, what will be done?
10:03Will they meet or will they give jobs?
10:06What will be the decision in the future?
10:07It may take time.
10:08But in the meantime, there are hundreds of teachers who are protesting for their rights.
10:14And they hope that the government will give them a gift soon.
10:19So that their homes will also be happy.
