• 2 months ago
भाजपा प्रदेश अध्यक्ष मदन राठौड़ ने कहा कि उनकी पार्टी संविधान गौरव अभियान चलाकर कांग्रेस के दोहरे चरित्र को उजागर करेगी.


00:00We have made a committee, at the state level, district level, and at the local level.
00:10We will go to the people and tell them who did the honouring of the constitution.
00:17Even we will tell the people about Babasaheb Bheemrao Ambedkar, who did the honouring of the constitution.
00:28Congress never allowed him to go to the parliament.
00:31Congress put up a wall against him and defeated him.
00:36Not only that, we did not put up his statue.
00:39We made his birthplace into a panch teerth.
00:42His birthplace, where he studied.
00:45Even abroad, where he studied, our country's Prime Minister Narendra Modi bought that place.
00:53He bought that place and put up a teerth for Babasaheb Bheemrao Ambedkar to study.
01:04We are doing all that.
01:06We are doing the honouring of the constitution.
01:11I would also like to say that even in the parliament, our respected Ambedkar ji has clearly said that Congress has now remembered Ambedkar ji.
01:23They would have done it earlier.
01:25When we started, they would have done it.
01:27And now they are doing it to take credit.
01:30So, we are doing the honouring.
01:32And definitely, we did the honouring of Gandhi ji.
01:36We snatched Gandhi ji from Congress.
01:39Ambedkar ji is ours.
01:41Similarly, we did the honouring of Sardar Patel ji.
01:45So, there is no senior politician in Congress now.
