• 2 months ago
कुरुक्षेत्र पिपली चिड़ियाघर में प्रचंड ठंड के बीच जानवरों को गर्म रखने की कोशिश की जा रही है. उनका डाइट चार्ट भी बदला गया है.


00:00This is Pipli Churiyaghar in Kuru area of Haryana.
00:16Every kind of animals live here.
00:18These animals are taken special care of in this changing climate.
00:26These days, heaters are being installed outside their houses.
00:31Their diet has also been changed according to the cold.
00:35We have made arrangements for the animals to be safe from the cold.
00:40For example, we have installed a cheek in the line.
00:47We have installed a big cheek inside the panther.
00:52We have also installed a net outside so that they can sit outside in the sun during the day and at night.
00:57Even if they sit inside, they should not get cold.
00:59We have also installed a heater.
01:01Doctors come on time.
01:03Doctors come in 5-4 days.
01:06They come when they say.
01:09We have given extra peanuts and jaggery to the monkey.
01:15The feed of other animals will continue.
01:18The people who come here are also praising the system and the arrangements made for the animals.
01:25The animals are very good.
01:28The cleanliness is very good.
01:30Everything is green.
01:31The staff is very good.
01:32The care is very good.
01:35It is a very good practice to come and go.
01:39The people here are very good.
01:41The sun is good.
01:42The cleanliness is good.
01:43Everything is good.
01:44It is good to come and go in winter.
01:47Due to the increasing cold in Haryana, it is also affecting the lives of animals along with the lives of common people.
01:55Seeing the increasing cold, it is clear from the arrangements made by the zoo administration for the animals in the Pipli Zoo of Kurukshetra
02:03that the animals are being given full attention to save them from the cold.
02:08In addition, each animal has been arranged according to their convenience outside the enclosure.
02:15ETV Bharat Haryana from Kurukshetra.
