• 2 months ago


00:00What is the situation here?
00:02An announcement was given by a Rahagir on 112
00:06There is a family in which a husband, wife and three small children
00:10They took a motorcycle on the side of the road and ate poison and fell down
00:14After that the police team reached there
00:16They were sent to a private hospital
00:18They were referred to the district hospital
00:20Where the wife was talked to
00:23She was told that due to high debt
00:26This poison was given to the children
00:29And they ate this poison
00:31The rest of the children are fine
00:34The husband's condition is a little serious
00:36They are being referred to the government medical college
00:39The rest of the children are being examined
00:43The wife has just been talked to
00:45This is her first statement
00:47Where are the family from?
00:49They are from Nandipur, Firozpur
00:52They were riding a motorcycle
