• 2 months ago


00:00Today, the Kosha bath is starting.
00:05When the Magha Makar Ghat was inaugurated, the Kiratpati Awadh ceremony took place.
00:10One Makar bath is taking place there in Prayagraj.
00:15And one Makar bath is taking place here in Brineshwar Dham.
00:19Along with the Aachalik culture here, people will bathe in the feet of God, in Brineshwar Dham,
00:26purify themselves, and do charity in the devotion of God.
00:34Today, Sangat Chottam, Sampo Dattam, Sampo Manamsi Janata.
00:39Let's walk together, let's move together.
00:41With this feeling, this journey is connecting us to the path of dharma,
00:46and uniting the society.
00:48This can be the biggest message from this Ghadi.
