In der Sci-Fi-Komödie Turn Me On hat die Regierung mit den täglichen Vitaminpillen gleichzeitig auch ein großes Problem der Menschheit gelöst: Das unangenehme Prinzip "Gefühle" wird durch die Dosen einfach ausgeschaltet. Ein junges Pärchen beschließt jedoch, die Pillen einmal wegzulassen und entdeckt plötzlich Freude, Liebe und Sex für sich. Leider bringt das aber auch negative Emotionen mit sich.
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00:00You're not you without us, the vitamin from our friends.
00:07You can begin anew down a path of perfect contentment.
00:12We're so glad you've chosen to join us in our secluded community paradise.
00:16Are you content?
00:17Quite content.
00:18And you?
00:19Quite content.
00:20Once on the vitamin, we're confident you won't ever want to leave here.
00:28Are you content?
00:30Quite content.
00:31Are you content?
00:32I feel...
00:37But you feel...
00:43I didn't take my vitamin today.
00:46You're a bit abnormal.
00:49Are you content?
00:59I want you to feel what I'm feeling.
01:02Maybe if I touched you...
01:10We have to tell the others.
01:16Our friends, what would they do to us?
01:19They'll remove us.
01:20You have no idea what they're capable of.
01:23Our friends control everything we do, everything we say.
01:27Are you content?
01:28Hey, wait!
01:30Are you content?
01:31What did you do?
01:32Are you content?
01:35Are you content?
01:37Of course not.