• il y a 2 mois
Alors qu'elle n'avait pas encore joué en 2025, Diane Parry avait fort à faire pour son premier match de la saison, à l'Open d'Australie. La Française devait surprendre la Croate Donna Vekic, 19e joueuse mondiale. Cette dernière, qui n'avait pas remporté un match cette saison et avait perdu ses trois premiers matchs en deux sets, s'est relancée en domptant Parry sur le score de 6-4, 6-4. Après avoir signé "L.A." avec un coeur sur la caméra suite à sa victoire, Vekic a parlé en conférence de presse des incendies à Los Angeles. Sa coach, Pam Shriver, vit là-bas et n'a donc pas fait le voyage à Melbourne.


00:00Donna, just to begin, just your thoughts on the match and getting that first round underway?
00:08Yeah, it was a tough match today. She's such a tricky opponent, slicing and dicing, moving well,
00:16but I was serving really well. I had 38 winners, I've heard, so I'm pretty happy with that.
00:22Any questions?
00:23You obviously wrote Love L.A. on the camera. Tell us a bit about being in touch with Pam.
00:30Yeah, it's a very difficult situation for her. She's home in L.A., her house is OK for now,
00:38but so many have lost everything and it's a horrible situation.
00:43We were doing our pre-season in L.A. this year, so we were just there two weeks ago,
00:48so I really cannot believe what's happening. We're very sad that she's not here with us.
00:56Are you playing for her?
01:00Playing for her, yes and no, but we really miss her here.
01:07We're in touch daily and I hope everything will be OK.
01:19Hi, Dana, I'm from the Danish media Extrablad.
01:22I know you're a good friend of Caroline Wozniacki.
01:25She obviously pulled out from the Australian Open.
01:28She hasn't played since the US Open.
01:31Have you been in touch with her the last few months?
01:34Do you know what's going on with her? Because we don't know anything in Denmark.
01:39That's funny, we actually had dinner last night together.
01:45She's good, she's happy, but for the other things you'll have to ask her.
01:51Do you feel like a different player coming into this season after the season you had last year?
01:58I feel like a different person.
02:00The year was very long, very tough, a lot of things happening on court, off the court.
02:09I feel like things happen in one year that maybe sometimes happen in ten years.
02:16I have a very different perspective on tennis this year.
02:22I'm just really enjoying myself out there.
02:26I was very happy to be playing on Margaret Court, it's one of my favourite courts.
02:31Hopefully I can have a few more matches here.
02:36Obviously Arena is going for a third title.
02:39You've played her, including here.
02:41What makes her so tough to play? What elevates her from a lot of the rest?
02:47I haven't actually played her since Dubai last year.
02:50We didn't really practice.
02:52She's playing so well, she's really aggressive and going for her shots.
03:00Is that the experience of being on the other side of the net?
03:04What do you mean?
03:05Just how that feels, whether it's an intimidation, how it feels different compared to playing most other players.
03:14Compared to playing her?
03:16Yeah, just what's different about playing her compared to everyone else.
03:19What separates her as an opponent?
03:22I don't know. I'm sorry, I don't know.
03:26Is it her power? Is it the spirit? Or is it a combination of all of those things?
03:31I guess everything. She has everything. She has big strokes, big serve.
03:40When you sat down, just as you were starting, you mentioned having heard that you had 38 winners.
03:47How much do you pay attention to statistics after a match?
03:53Is that something that one or both of your coaches will bring up to you?
03:57Do you care about that? Do you study those things?
04:00I really care about my serve percentage. I always like to see it above 60%.
04:08After the first set today, they were showing the stats on court and I looked and it was 60%.
04:14I was like, okay. It was not bad, but this is something that I really care about.
04:20Of course, it's always better to have more winners, less unforced errors.
04:25I try to take control of the point. I try to be aggressive.
04:30With that comes more mistakes and that's something that you have to accept.
04:34Will you seek out a stat sheet to look at those numbers?
04:41How will you find out if, let's say, you were over 60% at the end of a match?
04:47You just quickly look at the app.
04:51You said that you had a new perspective. Can you describe your new perspective a bit more?
04:56I think last year, tennis was everything to me.
05:03It was the most important thing. I wanted to win a slam.
05:06But after winning a medal, I was in my head.
05:15I was like, okay, if I never win another thing, it's fine.
05:19But still, on the other hand, I'm more hungry and more motivated than ever to keep winning,
05:26to maybe eventually get that slam, especially after playing semis at Wimbledon,
05:31being so close to the finals.
05:33But I'm a lot more relaxed, I would say.
05:37I was quite nervous on court today, but before matches, the days before,
05:43I think before it would be really unbearable to be with me during slams.
05:48But now I'm a lot more relaxed.
05:51You mentioned before about a year and ten years and everything on the court and off the court.
05:58We know what happened on the court. Are you able to share anything that happened off the court?
06:02I'd rather not.
06:04Okay, that's fine.
06:06What's Sascha brought to the team?
06:08A lot of intensity. A lot of intensity, good energy.
06:13We had a really good preseason.
06:17We worked really hard, so I was a little bit upset that I lost the first three matches of the season.
06:25I was like, no, come on, we worked so hard, I was practicing so well.
06:28But for me, even if I lost today, it wouldn't have changed a lot.
06:34I think he's a great coach, has a lot of experience,
06:39and hopefully we can have some good results together.
06:43We'll see.
