• 2 months ago
▌百秒AI报 ▌教育部长法丽娜今天在面子书上发文提醒民众,不要在独中拨款课题上陷入“零和游戏”的思维陷阱,因为独中也在积极努力融入马来西亚社会……

AI主播:戴伊琳 Elin tAI

#教育部长 #法丽娜 #独中拨款 #华社
#发射热点 #84hotspot #百秒AI报

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00:00Welcome to the 100-second A.I. News. I'm your A.I. anchor Dai Yilin.
00:16First, let's take a look at the first piece of news. Education Minister Farina issued a statement yesterday reminding people not to fall into the thought trap of zero-sum games on the topic of funding for re-education.
00:26Because re-education is also actively trying to integrate into the Malaysian society, she emphasized that taking a hostile attitude or using existing powers to oppress minorities is against the values ​​of Islam to advocate justice for all people.
00:38And the government will ensure that China's society is not marginalized and will not feel that it is a second-class citizen.
00:43The National Service 3.0 implementation plan, which was restarted seven years later, is officially underway today. According to the Ministry of National Defense's facebook post, 150 volunteer students arrived at 515 with their families this morning and were reported by the military camp to prepare for a 45-day national service training until February 25.
01:02Defense Minister Khalil Nordin said earlier that after the first batch of volunteer students have completed their training, the Ministry of National Defense will evaluate the plan and make adjustments when necessary.
01:11Sabado Lake, Ganbang, Siam, was hit by a fire this morning, destroying up to 60 wooden houses.
01:17As you can see from the aerial footage, there is thick black smoke in the wooden house area adjacent to Jinmi.
01:22The fire was unbearable. The authorities dispatched 51 firefighters. It took 80 minutes for the fire to spread. The scene was devastating.
01:31After the fire, the scene turned into a ruin. Residents also lost their homes in the middle of the night.
01:37My four-year-old son called his mother and said,
01:40Mom, there's a fire. There's a black fire. He said, I have to get up there quickly.
01:44All four of my children are still asleep.
01:46Alhamdulillah, everyone is safe. Everything is fine.
01:50Now the clothes are like this.
01:52Today's show came to an end.
01:54For more domestic and foreign information, tune in to the hottest news at 8 p.m. tonight.
