• 2 months ago
▌百秒AI报 ▌首相安华趁着农历新年前,为独中送上大红包。他今天亲临大山脚日新独中宣布拨款2116万令吉给全国63所独中,拨款数额创历史新高,而这也是我国史上第一次有首相踏入独中校园宣布拨款。

AI主播:Celes Loh 美伶

#安华 #槟城 #独中 #拨款
#发射热点 #84hotspot #百秒AI报

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00:00Welcome to the 100-second AI News. I'm your AI anchor, Melin Luo.
00:16Let's start with the first piece of news. Prime Minister An Hua held a land-granting ceremony for the Green New Deal in Penang this morning.
00:22An Hua denied paying special attention to Penang because she was afraid of the actions of the Action Party.
00:27She stressed that she is the same for every state. Therefore, if Penang needs a piece of iron, she will carry it out.
00:34Some people say that if we give it to Penang, we will only protect the Penang Island of China.
00:38We will protect it because we are afraid of the action of the Action Party.
00:40I'm not bothered by that. I think, based on all the views, Penang needs this. We do it.
00:46Prime Minister An Hua also took advantage of the new year to send a big red envelope to the Green New Deal.
00:51Today, the Green New Deal announced that 21.16 million RMB will be allocated to 63 provinces in the country.
00:58This is the first time in Chinese history that a prime minister has stepped into the Green New Deal campus.
01:05The police said this morning that a minister's son was suspected of harassing pregnant women.
01:09Minister of Internal Affairs Saifuddin confirmed today that his son is being investigated by the police.
01:14Saifuddin said that he asked the police to deal with this matter and that no one, including his son, can be held liable to the law.
01:21The U.S. Supreme Court sentenced President Trump to 34 charges in the New York High Court for the case of sexual harassment of a female star.
01:32Trump is considered a serious offender, but considering that Trump is in the transitional period of presidential power, there is a presidential immunity issue.
01:39The judge, Saifuddin, released Saifuddin unconditionally without any punishment.
01:43But because he left the case, Trump has become the first president in American history to be held liable to the law.
01:48Trump has already stated that he will appeal the ruling.
01:52Today's show comes to an end.
01:54For more domestic and foreign information, stay tuned for the hottest news at 8 o'clock tonight.
