Actress Preity Zinta took to social media to share a heartfelt update about the devastating Los Angeles wildfires. Thankfully, she confirmed that she and her family are safe for the time being. However, Preity expressed her distress and heartbreak at the widespread destruction surrounding her, with friends and families being evacuated or put on high alert. She poignantly described the apocalyptic scene, with ash falling from the smoggy skies like snow, and the uncertainty and fear that grips her, especially with vulnerable family members, including toddlers and grandparents, by her side.
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00:00Bollywood actress Preeti Zinta said that she and her family are safe as of now amid the
00:07Los Angeles wildfires and added that she is heartbroken at the devastation around her.
00:12Taking to X, formerly called Twitter, Preeti shared an update and wrote,
00:17I never thought I would live to see a day where fires would ravage neighborhoods around
00:23us in LA.
00:25Families and friends are either evacuated or put on high alert, ash descending from
00:30smoggy skies like snow and fear and uncertainty about what will happen if the wind does not
00:36calm down with toddlers and grandparents with us.
00:40I am heartbroken to the devastation around us and grateful to God that we are safe as
00:45of now.
00:46My thoughts and prayers to people that are displaced and have lost everything in these
00:51I hope the wind dies down soon and fires are contained.
00:55A big thank you to the fire department, firefighters and everyone else helping to save lives and
01:02Stay safe everyone.
01:03A massive firework took over Los Angeles on January 7, 2025, forcing above 30,000 residents
01:11to leave the place.
01:12Numerous videos of the fire have been going around on social media, leaving everyone concerned.
01:19Meanwhile, California Governor Gavin Newsom has declared a state of emergency in Los Angeles.