On Taimur Ali Khan's eighth birthday today, his aunt Soha Ali Khan shared a heartwarming video featuring the birthday boy and her daughter, Inaaya. On Friday, Soha posted an adorable video showcasing Taimur’s playful moments and cherished memories with his cousin Inaaya. Along with the video, the actress penned a heartfelt note for little Tim on behalf of his daughter. Soha captioned the post, “From jumping on the bed to racing freestyle, we have come a long way – here’s to a lifetime of family, food, and prezzies!! Happy Birthday, Tim bhai.”
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00:00On Timur Ali Khan's 8th birthday today, his aunt Soha Ali Khan shared a heart-warming
00:06video featuring the birthday boy and her daughter, Inaya.
00:10On Friday, Soha posted an adorable video showcasing Timur's playful moments and cherished memories
00:17with his cousin, Inaya.
00:19Along with the video, the actress penned a heartfelt note for little Tim on behalf of
00:23his daughter.
00:24Soha captioned the post,
00:26From jumping on the bed to racing freestyle, we have come a long way.
00:29Here's to a lifetime of family, food and prezzies.
00:33Happy birthday, Timbai.
00:36The video speaks volumes about the bond Inaya and Timur share with each other.
00:41In the clip, the two munchkins can be seen playing together on a bed, enjoying swimming,
00:47eating pizza and posing together.
00:50In August, Soha shared a series of pictures on her Instagram featuring Saif Ali Khan and
00:56his sons, Taimur Ali Khan and Jahangir Ali Khan.
01:00In the photos, her daughter Inaya was seen tying Rakhi to her cousins Taimur and Jah.
01:07The post was captioned,
01:08To those who love and protect us, on happy Raksha Bandhan.
01:13Soha Ali Khan, the paternal aunt of Taimur, once shared that Tim is very caring towards
01:20When asked about Inaya's relationship with her cousin Taimur, the actress mentioned at
01:24an event,
01:25Both are still too small and innocent.
01:28Sometimes they play with each other, and sometimes they don't pay much attention to each other,
01:33but I've noticed that Taimur is very caring.
01:36Once, Inaya pulled Taimur's hair thrice, but he didn't say anything to her.
01:41I think he knows this is family, so he tolerates her, and they are learning from each other.
01:47Meanwhile, Soha and Kunal recently visited the Hamleys Wonderland Carnival in Mumbai
01:53with their daughter Inaya to celebrate Christmas together.
01:58The festive season kicked off for the family with fun games and activities, and Soha shared
02:03a glimpse of their time at the carnival through a post on Instagram.