Bollywood actress Neha Dhupia recently paid a heartfelt tribute to her late father-in-law, the legendary cricketer Bishan Singh Bedi, through an emotional gesture. Taking to her Instagram handle, Neha shared the story of a priceless gift she received from her late father-in-law—a vintage Indian cricket sweater he wore during his legendary career. She shared her images wearing his test cricket sweater, which is now a treasured family heirloom, the sweater holds both historical and sentimental significance.
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00:00Bollywood actress Neha Dupia recently paid a heartfelt tribute to her late father-in-law,
00:06the legendary cricketer Bishan Singh Bedi, through an emotional gesture.
00:10Taking to her Instagram handle, Neha shared the story of a priceless gift she received
00:16from her late father-in-law, a vintage Indian cricket sweater he wore during his legendary
00:22She shared her images wearing his test cricket sweater, which is now a treasured family heirloom.
00:27The sweater holds both historical and sentimental significance.
00:31For the caption, Neha, married to actor Angad Bedi, wrote,
00:35Wearing this sweater has a different kind of warmth.
00:38I remember so clearly when dad asked what would you like as a wedding present.
00:42I asked him for his test cricket sweater and how it would be the most special gift for
00:48So here it is, along with his strength, resilience, integrity and generosity.
00:53I also feel a sense of honour donning this while watching my first test in person with
00:59my Angad Bedi.
01:01We miss you everyday dad.
01:03For the unversed, former cricketer Bishan Singh Bedi passed away on October 23, 2023.
01:10He had been struggling with age-related health issues and had undergone several surgeries
01:15in the past few years.