• 2 months ago
अभियान के दौरान पूर्व फौजी ने पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री चौधरी चरण सिंह समेत इंदिरा गांधी व प्रतीकात्मक स्टैचू को साफ किया.


01:50They give up a janapad may look like they had their Jan
01:53They give up a janapad may look like they had their Jan
02:23Chaudhary Charan Singh ji, Param Pujne, our Prime Minister who gave the opportunity to a labourer to become a farmer.
02:35The land on which a labourer used to work, and if someone gave the opportunity to that labourer to become a farmer,
02:44Chaudhary Charan Singh ji, our Prime Minister who gave the opportunity to that labourer to become a farmer,
02:52I have started a clean-up campaign with his statue.
02:55And this clean-up campaign, from the Prime Minister of the country, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru ji,
03:00to Mrs. Indira Gandhi ji, Param Pujne, Bapu ji, all the statues, I have started a clean-up campaign with all of them.
03:16And there are around 150,000 statues in Baghpat Janpad.
03:20All our soldiers have their own statues, but no one is ready to clean them up.
03:31The government just stands their statues and prays for a day and then moves ahead.
03:37And I am not talking about only Baghpat Janpad, I am talking about the whole country.
03:42Wherever I get a statue of Vivekanand ji, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar ji,
03:50if I get a statue of anyone, I will clean it up and move ahead.
03:56I have started this campaign, sir.
