• last month
00:00What! They're doing it all over her face!
00:03Oh! What? What? What did you just?
00:05Nothing. Okay. All right, so we have a mold going on here
00:09and it looks like we're making something with her face.
00:12Uh, yes. Questionable.
00:13Is it some mold or some statue?
00:16Oh, maybe a statue. Maybe she's like a famous art person.
00:20We just don't know. She's going up next to Lincoln.
00:25Just on Lincoln's face.
00:27Yes, and nobody can notice this because it's that small.
00:30Yeah. Okay, so that's not edible anymore.
00:35And they're heating it up with UV stuff.
00:39So that it dries. It was epoxy, right?
00:40Yeah, epoxy resin. Okie doke.
00:43And what is this? I'm confused.
00:47Now I'm confused. I'm generally confused,
00:50but now a little bit more than usual.
00:53Then it means totally something goes wrong.
00:56Yeah, like I barely remember my name.
01:00You're Flint. Oh, yeah.
01:02Yeah. Flint like the thinking lighter, you know?
01:06Oh, yeah. Oh, I had no idea this whole time.
01:13All right, so this is strange. She's thinking about a orange.
01:17Is what I'm getting from this.
01:20I cannot understand you because there is nothing clear at all.
01:25I'm thinking about an orange and it's manifesting in front of me.
01:28It's all about manifesting your goals and your future and your destiny.
01:32Okay, well. So do you believe in destiny?
01:35Let us know in the comments down below. Yes.
01:39Is everything predestined or do we make our own path?
01:44What do you think?
01:47I would live it without comments.
01:50Without comments. Okay.
01:52That just means he hasn't thought about it.
01:54Yes. Oh, wow.
01:58Weird. Pretty close, but scary.
02:01I mean, I had a question. Okay.
02:04Would you like to have such a mold of my face?
02:06Yes. Oh, yeah.
02:07That'd be very fun. That'd be very fun.
02:10So it would scare me in the process, but I would have a lot of fun.
02:13Okay. If you will have 20,000 likes under this video, we'll do it.
02:17We'll make a mold of my face. Yes.
02:19And we'll do it. But we need a bigger straw.
02:21We can have the mouth be more open on the mold.
02:24Can you imagine how the mouth would look like?
02:26That's true. Yeah, that would be really weird.
02:29Oh, yeah. I have short hair now, so we can do it.
02:32Yeah. And it would be easier.
02:35Anyway, but we're not going to touch on the hair.
02:37No, I know. I know.
02:38But with the long hair and the bald cap, sometimes it comes out a little bit.
02:41Okay. Nice.
02:4410,000 likes. I'm willing to do it for life.
02:46Okay. So we have a bust of her chest area.
02:54Okay. Just refining it, making it look smooth.
02:59I don't know yet.
03:01Actually, she has a lot of molds.
03:03We saw many videos with her.
03:04That's true. She likes molds.
03:07Yes. I mean, no blame.
03:08Where are her molds now? Her famous molds.
03:12I'm just measuring the whole flat or apartments with...
03:17With all just molds of your body.
03:19Yeah. Especially only breasts.
03:21Yeah. Just all breasts all over the place.
03:23Yeah. That's what I want to do.
03:25But like with my breasts.
03:29Okay. Nice.
03:31It's like body armor.
03:33Yeah. Wait. What?
03:34Would you like to have your breasts around your apartment?
03:37Why not? That would just freak everybody out.
03:41Maybe that's why I'm single.
03:44It looks cool.
03:45Yeah. That looks cool.
03:46Yeah. Okay. Nice.
03:49Fashionable. It's like that meme like...
03:51Fashion week.
03:53It's not bad.
03:53Not bad. Wait.
03:54This is kind of scary.
03:58Okay. So they were just piercing a doll of her
04:01and she's breathing through that tiny straw.
04:03That would freak me out.
04:05I feel like you'd need more than just that tiny little straw.
04:08I'd be like...
04:10I'd be slapping everybody.
04:12I'd be like, what are you doing?
04:14Oh my gosh. And now it's off her.
04:16Actually. Yeah.
04:18I asked one girl who made such a thing with her face.
04:24And I asked like how you feel at this moment.
04:27With all this stuff when you were covered.
04:29And she like it scary for a couple of seconds.
04:32I mean a minute.
04:34And after that, that's fine.
04:37But it's for her.
04:38For me, I would...
04:39Yeah, I would be freaking out.
04:40I wouldn't do it.
04:41What about you?
04:43Let us know.
04:43Would you pour, you know, mold all over your face
04:46so that you can make your own...
04:47That's kind of really freaky.
04:49Yes. And it doesn't look like her.
04:51It doesn't really look like her that much.
04:53No, it looks like a baby.
04:57Okay. Let's see how far they can go with this.
05:01I want them to edit it and like have them open its eyes.
05:05You know, with AI.
05:08No, I don't want it.
05:09And then its eyes are actually mouths like teeth.
05:12I don't want it.
05:13I don't want it.
05:14I'm really scared of scary movies.
05:16Yeah, that's true.
05:18So this is that kind of thing.
05:22So for Halloween, you're not going as anything scary.
05:25As a person, I don't want to have such a thing out of my face.
05:33It's creepy.
05:34Okay, fair.
05:35This is kind of scary.
05:37What about you?
05:38Ah, here we go.
05:40You're like, what?
05:43It's pretty close.
05:44Okay. Yes.
05:46Yes. In video games, when you have like armor for guys,
05:50it's like really big and bulky and like looks very protective.
05:53But for girls, it's more like they try to make it sexy
05:55and it only protects like one part of your chest.
05:58And like, it's kind of the same vibe.
06:00Yes. But in a game, it's protect the same.
06:05Yeah, it has the same protection.
06:06Plus 10 protection.
06:07Like the guy has huge armor and then she just has like a bra.
06:14It's a really nice gaming problems.
06:17Yeah, I can't with an idea why it's happening like so,
06:20but I don't want to share it.
06:22I think it's because there's a lot of dudes playing these games.
06:33So what's inside?
06:36Come on, take it out.
06:39What is it?
06:42So that's her holding a flower.
06:48She's really into this.
06:51Let's get it out.
06:53Okay. So she's pretending it a little bit.
06:54Make it look pretty.
07:10Guys, remember.
07:12We wanted to do a DJ beatboxing channel.
07:15So if this video gets 20 million likes.
07:17Yeah, we still didn't get it.
07:19It's the first time we tried to propose this idea.
07:22Come on, guys. Come on.
07:22Come on.
07:23At least comment down below if you saw this
07:25because otherwise it's just going to waste.
07:27We have to do it earlier in the video.
07:29Okay. So it's okay.
07:36It's kind of.
07:46I don't know if I would want that.
07:48If that's something I need.
07:49You know, I feel like my grandma would have it.
07:52Not even my grandma.
07:53My grandma's.
07:54No, sorry, grandma.
07:54That's offensive.
07:55Your style is much better.
08:01All right.
08:01So now we're getting the other side.
08:03This is what I was talking about.
08:06That's me.
08:11It's weird having the.
08:12Oh my gosh.
08:13That's so weird.
08:13Why are you doing that angle?
08:15What the.
08:20I just want.
08:23What are you gonna get with this mold?
08:27I mean.
08:30I'm not sure that it's going to be arm for this dude.
08:34I kind of like this.
08:35This is fun.
08:38It's nice that we're, you know.
08:40Some angles even was nice.
08:44I like the, yeah, the side boob shot.
08:45That was good.
08:46That was good.
08:50All right.
08:51So we have our body armor.
08:55See, bigger guys need representation.
08:56You know.
08:58This is it's all girls there.
08:59You know, finally, we'll have something.
09:04Finally, five-minute craft represents us.
09:10Do you know there's a conspiracy theory that the girls in five-minute crafts are all being
09:13held hostage?
09:18They think that there's like, uh, that they don't want to be there.
09:20They're being held hostage behind the camera.
09:25It's on Reddit.
09:27I can officially say that's not true.
09:29I can officially say.
09:40Just Morse code.
09:49It's not true.
09:53But that's kind of interesting.
09:55I never saw such a...
09:56I'll send it to you.
09:57Yeah, it's very funny.
09:58You guys look it up for yourselves if you want.
10:00It's very fun.
10:06It's a nice piece of art.
10:09I could see that being in an art gallery or something.
10:12And it could be selled for some...
10:15For some good moolah.
10:16Some good money.
