• 2 months ago
The Operational Strategic Command of the National Bolivarian Armed Forces of Venezuela (CEOFANB) rejects the unilateral coercive measures against the nation’s sovereignty. teleSUR


00:00Drug trafficking and terrorism from mercenary groups promoting violence, illegal mining
00:09will not be a platform for dominance.
00:13We are a territory of peace.
00:16President Nicolás Maduro Moro, our Commander-in-Chief from the year 2013, has not only recognized
00:28the authority of the military institution, but has also practiced on this institution
00:37a leadership, a positive leadership recognized that has enabled the consolidation of a military
00:45doctrine that is based on the national ideals, the Bolivarian ideas on its part.
00:55Our Minister for Defense, Chief Vladimir Padrino López, has constituted throughout his career,
01:05after four decades of his career, on the basis of his example following the loss of the republic.
01:15So we know that the compensation will not budge on their recognized ideals, otherwise
01:28they will stand firm to continue to conduct the institutions that they have decided to
01:39give their lives to.
01:41Let everyone know, all those servers to imperialism, that in the Bolivarian armed forces, whoever
01:51is hindering one of them, they're hindering all the masses of the institutions.
01:56This nation will only strengthen the coalition in the union, in the necessity to respect
02:06the leaders and commanders.
02:08We have no doubts that this new attacks of shouts in the darkness of imperialism will
02:17only be shadows in the plans of the neo-fascist and coup d'etat attacks and plans against
02:27the Bolivarian nation and the country, against those who are defending their lives.
02:38And we will not budge against these attacks.
02:43And loyal to our people's character, anti-colonialist characters and anti-imperialist character,
02:51in perfect fusion between the people, the military and the police, we ratify our determination
02:58to obey the popular mandate that was expressed on July 28th of 2024, as we reiterate our
03:09support to the Bolivarian revolution.
03:13Our most sincere words of solidarity for all our public servants, and especially to those
03:22who are now victims to the arrogance of imperialism.
03:27No sanctions will hinder the solidarity and the strength of the military force.
03:35And from here, from the territory of our Rafael Chávez Frías commanders, Chávez lives.
03:47The nation goes on.
03:51Independence and free homeland will live and conquer.
03:57The son of Venezuela is born in the Ezequiel.
04:03Loyal always, traitors never, we will forever continue, we will win.
04:13Today the mayor general, Esteban González Oballes, commander from the region of the
04:22strategic defense, number one, from this heroic lands, from the historic leaders, we reject
04:36in a category manner the new sanctions that were imposed by the nefarious from the OPEC,
04:49from the Department of Treasury of the United States, the European Union and the United
04:57Kingdom to 11 dignified ministers of the Venezuelan state, including our commander-in-chief,
05:08the minister of defense and the members of the superior state.
05:19This action tries to hinder and tarnish the moment that our country lived yesterday when
05:28our president, constitutional president of the Republic Bolivarian of Venezuela, commander-in-chief
05:36of our nation took the oath before the constitutional of our Republic for the period 2025-2031.
05:51We tell our aggressors from the outside and those who follow their orders in our countries
05:58that their actions will only consolidate the perfect fusion between the people, the military
06:05and the police that has been ordered by our commander-in-chief of the armed forces following
06:14the historic leadership of Hugo Rafael Chavez Fridas and our father and liberator, Simón Bolívar.
06:27We will always be together with our people, with our arms, in defense of the social guarantees
06:40following the constitution of our Republic, of our Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, loyals
06:48and subordinated to our constitutional president of the Republic of Venezuela, the citizen
06:57Nicolás Maduro Moros, our commander-in-chief.
07:03We are the men and women of the difficulties.
07:08We are anti-imperialists.
07:10We are anti-oligarchy.
07:13We are the sons and daughters of the army, the United Army of Liberator.
07:19We will win.
07:21Chavez lives on and the homeland lives on.
07:26We are the independence and socialist party, loyals always, traitors never.
07:35The son of Venezuela is born in Diez Equivo.
07:40I am the general mayor, Wilfredo Alexander Medrano Machado.
07:48In a letter to the people of the United States of America, John Baptist Green, our liberator,
07:55Simón Bolívar, showed his courage and his identity by facing the problem before imperialism
08:07and he said that the courage of the people is way before the difficulties.
08:16We have seen a few people win against emperors.
08:25Since 2000 years, the empire of the United States of America has been going after the
08:34wealth of the Venezuelan people.
08:38From the lands of the General Sifontes, we tell the people of Venezuela and all the peoples
08:48around the world that the sons and daughters of the largest men in the continent, through
08:56his blood runs in our veins.
09:00Leader Simón Bolívar, we reject with emphasis, once again, the badly called sanctions imposed
09:11on our constitutional president, Nicolás Maduro Moros, his commander-in-chief of the
09:19National Armed Forces, to our minister of popular power, Vladimir Padrino López, to
09:34our commander-in-chief and other state services of our Bolivarian Venezuelan state.
09:46It's an embarrassment to see how, at this point of the 21st century, there are crazy
09:53individuals that are trying to take the power by force without caring about the lives of
09:59millions of Venezuelans.
10:03Here is an armed force next to its people and the security organisms were deployed to
10:13guarantee the independence and the sovereignty.
10:18We have no doubt that this is part of the neo-fascist plans that the far right has been
10:27executing to alter the peace and the stability in Venezuela, pretending, through an extortion
10:36manner, through the sanctions to make us submit before foreign interest.
10:44In the face of this, loyal to our character, anti-colonialist, anti-oligarchical and anti-imperialist
10:55and imperfect fusion between the people, the military and the police, we ratify the determination
11:05of obeying the popular mandate that was expressed on July 28th of 2024.
11:13As we also say that we support the Bolivarian revolution.
11:22Our most sincere solidarity to all the public servants and especially those who today are
11:29victims of the arrogance of imperialism.
11:34No sanction will alter the dignity of the sons and daughters of the army who united
11:44with the liberator Chavez lives, the homeland goes on, independence and socialist homeland.
11:54The son of Venezuela is born in the Ezequiel.
11:59Independence, loyals always, traitors never, we will win.
12:10I am José Gregorio Martínez Campo and from the Andes defense territories we express our
12:22energetic and tyrannical rejection against the sanctions that were repressed by the Department
12:34of Treasurer of the United States with the European Union and the UK against our Commander
12:42in Chief and President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros.
12:49And also against our Commander in Chief and Commander of the Armed Forces, Vladimir Padrón
12:57López, also Domingo Antonio Lárez and also all the other military officers from the Bolivarian
13:10These actions were consummated right after the swearing in of the Constitutional President
13:19of Venezuela who was re-elected by the people for the period 2025-2031 after a forceful
13:31demonstration of democracy and sovereignty and the glorious people of Venezuela, our
13:38internal and external enemies, once again try to attack, trying to overshadow this swearing
13:48in ceremony.
13:50The Armed Forces of Venezuela, after the glory of Simón Bolívar and sons and daughters of
13:58Hugo Chávez, we have stood here for the past two decades defending Venezuela, but this
14:06manoeuvres instead of altering the will of these people, they're strengthening their
14:13convictions of dignity and self-determination.
14:17And in our hearts is the unbreakable fight for independence and sovereignty of our homeland,
14:25our warrior spirit, Bolivarian, Chavist and anti-imperialist, imperfect fusion, military,
14:34popular and police.
14:36We re-invindicate the popular mandate instigated by the people in July 28th, and we also support
14:46and reiterate our support to those who are victims of arrogance of the imperialism, and
14:54nothing will go against the dignity of those who are sons and daughters of Hugo Chávez
15:02and Simón Bolívar.
15:07We will win.
15:14Men and women from the institution of the Venezuelan military in the strategic region
15:23of defence of the West, in the defence armed of Venezuela, we express together in one voice
15:37before the international opinion our rejection against the coercive unilateral measures that
15:47were decreed by the Office of the Treasury Department of the United States and other
15:59servant nations like the European Union and the United Kingdom, with an interventionist
16:06approach that try once again to tarnish the image and leadership of our Commander-in-Chief
16:15Nicolás Maduro Moros and the institution, with the pretensions and in that way tarnish
16:27their moral and try for them to surrender to these plans.
16:33In this opportunity, our Commander-in-Chief, General-in-Chief, Strategic Operational Commander
16:44of the Bolivarian Armed Forces and other Chiefs of the Armed Forces of the Bolivarian
16:51Revolution, it's not a coincidence that this happens at the same time that the swearing-in
17:01ceremony was taking place, as well as the integration of the new mandate of the constitutional
17:12President and Commander-in-Chief Nicolás Maduro Moros, which shows in the clear the
17:22attitude that these people have had in these crazy practices.
17:32After these practices that have been taken by these actors will not accomplish their
17:41goals because our armed forces loyal to our Commander-in-Chief and firm and in perfect
17:50fusion between the people, the military and the police, we will make our oath to stand,
18:02to serve the homeland and we also maintain our loyalty to Nicolás Maduro Moros.
18:12We are an institution with a strength that cannot be altered and we will, against any
18:22forces, remain with the Constitution and we will follow the sovereignty and independence
18:31of the nation.
18:35Our Commander-in-Chief and all the members of the armed forces as the public servants
18:42of the Venezuelan state that have our support and there is no possibility that with these
18:49actions our honour will be tarnished.
18:54So in this way, once more from the strategic region of defence, we reaffirm once again
19:04our Bolivarian character, anti-imperialist character, revolutionary and profoundly Chávez
19:12character and we will continue to guarantee democracy and we will remain on alert.
19:20Chávez lives, the homeland goes on.
19:25We will win.
19:29I am the General Mayor, Commander of the strategic region number four.
19:40Today from these Venezuelan territories where many independence fights were carried on,
19:49from these lands filled with memories, from these lands where the independence of our
19:57homeland was sealed, from here once again we reject the sanctions, the immoral sanctions
20:05and also illegal that the government of the United States and their puppets, the European
20:13Union and the United Kingdom, through the OFAC, are once again attacking our Commander-in-Chief
20:23Nicolás Maduro Moros, against our Minister of Defence, Vladimir Padrino López, and member
20:32of the superior state and other members of the state, applying onto them coercive unilateral
20:41measures that are illegal according to international law and this action is not more than a threat
20:49trying to threatening a whole country.
20:55From this strategy that is being executed right after the swearing-in of our President
21:05Nicolás Maduro Moros for the period 2025-2031 before the National Assembly as our constitution
21:13mandates and they are trying to create an international opinion that tarnishes this
21:21sovereign act as a false coup d'etat.
21:28These actions, the only thing that are accomplishing is that Venezuelans, we better understand
21:36how the enemies of the homeland are carrying out the war against the homeland and trying
21:47to establish the order as our commanders say.
21:53We need to set straight that the community, all the communities of the defence that are
21:59here in this strategic region, all the citizen power organisations in perfect fusion, accompany
22:09and recognise without a doubt all our political and military leaders and we will face with
22:17our bodies all our threats against the homeland that are trying to undermine the peace that
22:26our comrades deserve.
22:29It's clear that the decree from the year 2002, we demand respect as equals.
22:40It's the only way to continue.
22:43The rebel blood that runs in our veins from the National Armed Forces will not allow us
22:53to surrender and submit.
22:57We will continue to fight for our dignity and the welfare of our people.
23:01We are the men and women from the armed forces.
23:05We are the legitimate heirs of our leaders.
23:10We are the sons and daughters of Commander Hugo Chavez.
23:13We are loyal to our President Nicolás Maduro Moro, our Commander-in-Chief of the armed
23:20Chavez lives.
23:21The homeland lives on.
23:27Loyal always, never traitors.
23:34I am Major General Antonio Hernández Briceño, Commander of the Strategic Region No. 3, Losianos.
23:45From the Venezuelan plains, we reject the actions taken by those who do not respect
23:54the self-determination of the peoples, those who pretend to dominate the will of everyone
24:04in the face of their own interest, imposing sanctions that try to attack members of the
24:11Venezuelan state and offering money for our leaders, the Commander-in-Chief and ministers.
24:28As development and peace, we are looking for peace in our region.
24:36This is an action that does not recognize the basic principles of international law,
24:45as is the non-interference in the will of a people in their exercise and popular mandate
24:52to elect their leaders.
24:54In Venezuela, this expression has resulted in the election of citizen Nicolás Maduro
25:02Moros for the next mandate as the President of the Bolivarian nation of Venezuela.
25:10In this opportunity, with the sanctions imposed on our Commander-in-Chief and Minister of
25:15Defence and all other officers and ministers of our Republic, will not undermine our firm
25:25They will strengthen and they allow us to see clearly how desperately they are trying
25:35to overshadow the leaders of Bolivar's homeland in the eyes of the international community.
25:45From this strategic region, as part of the territory defence and in fusion with the military,
25:54the people and the police, in just one voice, we are expressing our extreme loyalty to our
26:02Commander-in-Chief and our Chief General, Minister of Defence and all patriots who may
26:12be victims of imperialism.
26:17The armed forces will not be able to be overcome by anybody.
26:25And we can reaffirm today that the sons and daughters of this army will not relinquish
26:34in their most firm principles.
26:37Chávez lives, the homeland goes on.
26:42Always loyal, never traitors.
26:45We will win.
26:48I am Major General Dilio Guillermo Rodríguez Díaz, Commanders of the Strategic Region Capital.
26:57We reject the sanctions imposed to eleven members of the Venezuelan state, including
27:05our Commander-in-Chief Nicolás Maduro Moros, Minister of Defence Vladimir Padrón López,
27:14and other members of the superior state of the armed forces.
27:23By the actors of the imperial actors, today represented by the OFAC, from the Treasury
27:32Department of the United States, together with the European Union and the United Kingdom.
27:39From this capital territory, the far right of Venezuela, we are telling them that these
27:48sanctions will not affect the convictions of our highest commanders, who integrate the
27:58armed forces of Venezuela and they will not make us submit before foreign interest.
28:05On the other hand, they are strengthening our conviction to defend our homeland and
28:11continuing the fight for our independence and sovereignty.
28:16In perfect fusion between the people, the military and the police, we confront the plans,
28:24the neo-fascist plans, to sustain the peace and stability of the nation.
28:34We ratify our determination to obey the popular mandate that was expressed on July 28th of
28:43the year 2024, when our Commander-in-Chief was elected as the constitutional president
28:52of Venezuela.
28:54And we also reiterate our support to the Bolivarian constitution.
29:00Chavez lives, the homeland moves on.
29:08Today, January 11th of 2025, we are concentrated, members of the Bolivarian Armed Forces, in
29:18perfect fusion, military, police and the people, from the state of Esparta, we reject, enforce
29:29the new aggressions, criminal aggressions against the Venezuelan people.
29:35In this way, I express the sentiment of a whole people, the region, the strategic region
29:46of the Venezuelan state.
29:49From this strategic territory of defense, we express our rejection to the recent sanctions
29:58that were imposed by the U.S. imperialism and their puppets from the European Union
30:05and the United Kingdom, from the Department of Treasurer of the U.S., targeting 11 patriots,
30:17including showing no respect the citizen Nicolás Maduro, who is also constitutional president
30:25of the Bolivarian nation, re-elected by the people and sworn in, in full legitimacy, according
30:36to what the constitution establishes for the period of 2025-2031.
30:43In this way, and also the Minister of Defense and other officers of the major states, putting
30:54in evidence the imperialist character of these actions and attacks against international
31:01law, as commander of this force that guarantees every day the security and sovereignty and
31:12the integrity of the southern Venezuela, I ratify that all the officers, we are heirs
31:22of Simón Bolívar and our commander, Hugo Chávez.
31:28We are fully loyal to our commander-in-chief, and we have the commitment to continue our
31:35fight for dependence and our sovereignty.
31:41Without any doubt, the conduction, the leadership of our constitutional president Nicolás Maduro
31:49Moros, has allowed for the survival of the nation of Venezuela against these attacks.
31:59And the military, police and popular fusion has strengthened the security of this nation,
32:07allowing for its growth, even though and in spite of the sanctions that were imposed in
32:18this way.
32:21We highlight that this action has had the support, and Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino
32:36López has stood by the armed forces, always followed by the commanders and officers that
32:45make up the superior state.
32:50And we say to the enemies of the state that they are part of the neo-colonialist plans
32:57that try to favor not only imperialist interests, but also the Venezuelans that act against
33:06their own homeland.
33:10We are the heirs of our liberators, their veins, their rebel blood runs in our veins.
33:18And we are here today, fighting this fight, following this fight, and following their
33:30loyalty and bravery.
33:33The people of Venezuela and the world, we obey the popular mandate that was expressed
33:40on last July 28th of 2024, as we also reiterate our loyalty to our constitutional president.
33:51And we express our maximum solidarity to all, and especially to those who are victims of
33:58imperialist arrogance.
34:00No nation will alter the will to win of our daughters and sons of our armed forces.
34:10Chávez lives, the homeland lives on.
34:16The son of Venezuela is born in the Esequibo.
34:20Independence or nothing.
34:23Ana, we were listening to the generals of the different strategic regions of defense
34:31of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, rejecting the unilateral coercive measures that were
34:36imposed against the sovereignty of the nation.
34:40The United States imposed sanctions against eight mandatories of the Bolivarian Republic
34:46just yesterday, January the 10th, during the inauguration of the president of Venezuela,
34:52Nicolás Maduro.
