• 2 months ago
FinalSpark, a company based near Lake Geneva, is working in the new field of bio-computing, also known as wetware. They are growing brain organoids that could run the AI systems of the future.

They are also thinking about how to eventually make a backup of real brains and the organoids could also be used to test therapeutic drugs for medical applications.

Watch the full RAZOR episode on how FinalSpark are working on biocomputing on our YouTube channel - just look for RAZOR science show.

#razor #razor_science #razor_science_show #razorscienceshow #science #sciencetok #biocomputing #artificialintelligence #ai #wetware #brainorganoids #switzerland #brainresearch
00:00What's your big dream for the future?
00:04I think if we are able to build computing centres like they're proposed today by Amazon
00:10or Microsoft, that would be amazing.
00:13I always have this dream of a big room with floating neurospheres which are connected
00:19to some kind of bus and you have light go through it.
00:23Science fiction, that would be amazing.
00:26If floating brain organoid server stacks isn't science fiction enough, they're also
00:31thinking about how to eventually make a backup of real brains.
00:34The organoids could also be used to test therapeutic drugs for medical applications and may help
00:40us further understand the mysteries of nature's most sophisticated computing machine, the
00:45human brain.
00:47We see from the past, very often what's written in science fiction is going to happen in the
00:52So I'm convinced that in the future we will have biological computers.
00:57The future is coming.
