• 2 months ago
Prepare for the most awkward, cringe-worthy, and hilarious anime moments that you'll want to watch in absolute privacy! These scenes are not for the faint of heart or those with easily embarrassed family members.
00:00Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the scenes in anime that
00:10you need to watch solo for your own sake.
00:24While his love for his ever-expanding harem remains as pure as can be, that's not to
00:42say Rentarou and his company of ladies don't find themselves in some rather spicy situations.
00:48This rings especially true for Hakari, who is by far the lewdest among the lineup.
00:53What starts off as an innocent tickle session nearly sends her over the edge.
00:57Turns out the sensation of her boyfriend's godly fingers was just a bit too much for
01:02her Rule 34 brain to take.
01:07No matter how playful things start, you can always count on girlfriend number one to take
01:12things to the realm of pseudo-hentai at the drop of a hat.
01:20His anime dubs are a goldmine of laughs just waiting to be discovered.
01:25Case in point, this now-infamous exchange between Kazuma and Tachibana.
01:35As an alter in possession of eight spears known as the Eternity Eight, Tachibana can
01:41use said orbs to elicit mind control over his foes and do some serious damage.
01:46That is, of course, until Kazuma's own abilities flare up and he snags them for himself, eliciting
01:53this response.
01:57We're not sure if the dubbing company were being dead serious or having their own bit
02:10of fun here.
02:11But if you're listening to just the audio alone, it sounds like you're about to watch
02:15a different kind of exchange altogether.
02:22Well it was only a matter of time.
02:24Given how many mecha anime there have been over the years, is it any surprise we eventually
02:28found ourselves with a love story between a pilot and a mecha?
02:32An LGBTQ plus one at that.
02:34Yes, Isami and Braven are crazy about each other.
02:38Make difference, be damned, they're all about that cockpit action.
02:49And in case you thought we were exaggerating, this beachside scene, where the two nearly
02:54end up commencing a different kind of docking sequence, spells things out pretty clearly.
03:03Remember, in anime, the robot gets inside you.
03:11Aerobots Roll Out – Panty and Stocking with Garter Belt
03:14Not sure why we're even surprised that there's a random Transformers parody in this anime.
03:20After all, it features two lust-filled angels cursing up a storm and breaking beds on the
03:25regular against the most vulgar enemies you could conjure up.
03:29So why not rip on the Autobots and the Decepticons?
03:32Just don't expect anything remotely wholesome out of this.
03:38Whether it's Stocking's lewd toys joining the battle, or that truly uncomfortable moment
03:42where Robo-Panty gets it on with a new recruit, you'll never look at a screwdriver the same
03:48way again.
03:59Bleach Look, we all know Bleach filler is boring
04:02at best and unbearable at worst, but this might just be the biggest shark-jump moment
04:07of them all.
04:08Convinced that Renji might be a mod-soul in disguise, Ichigo decides to prove his theory
04:13by forcing Renji to abandon his false human body and reveal his true Shinigami form.
04:21Naturally, this divulges into the two of them rolling around on the floor, getting physical,
04:27and giving the shippers something to drool over.
04:30The fact Renji is posing as a relative of Ichigo makes it all the creepier.
04:40Any Transformation, kill la kill.
04:43You can preach about the epic action or gripping story all you want, it won't make a difference.
04:48All non-fans are ever going to see when you show them this anime is an abundance of cleavage
04:53and non-stop barrage of nudity, especially during the transformation sequences.
05:10We can't really blame them, on account it does show Satsuki and Ryuko stripping down
05:14before armouring up, and even then, the result leaves little to the imagination.
05:19That's Trigger for you.
05:21If there's a chance to show some skin, they'll take it.
05:32Game of Cringe, Asobi Asobate.
05:35Leave it to these girls to take a harmless board game and turn it into the stuff of social
05:40Instead of passing Go or earning points, Hanako's twisted game forces the girls to engage in
05:46the most degrading of antics.
05:48This, of course, comes back to bite her, specifically when she has to be spanked by Kazumi.
06:00If she had just taken the L, that would have been one thing, but then Kazumi decides to
06:05put her whole being into said spank, resulting in Hanako's posterior being decimated on
06:12Whether you're a participant or an onlooker, everyone loses here.
06:20How to Tame Your Dragon, Arifureta From Commonplace to World's Strongest
06:24Who knew that bringing down giant monsters and recruiting horror members could be one
06:28and the same?
06:30Unable to best the unbreakable scales of the deadly dragon Dio, Hajime comes up with a
06:35rather unorthodox method, using a giant metal rod to break into the one part of her not
06:41covered in scales.
06:42You can guess where he shoved it.
06:46While this sounds horrendous, it turns out that Dio is quite the masochist, getting way
06:51too into the fact an edgelord is sheathing his weapon into her treasure trove.
06:56Only in Isekai.
07:07The Abduction, Dunderdarn Not enough great things can be said about
07:15So, if you're recommending it to newcomers, you may want to warn them that its opening
07:19episode has a few moments that fall into the Sus-Venn diagram.
07:24After being kidnapped by aliens, Momo is pinned down while her abductors dictate their plans
07:29to repopulate their planet.
07:31Seeing these creepy entities expose their robotic appendages while trying to pry Momo's
07:36legs apart paints a dubious picture, and while nothing horrendous occurs, it certainly makes
07:42for unpleasant viewing.
07:43Thank goodness for turbo-granny-possessed, UFO-obsessed boyfriends in the making who
07:48show up in the nick of time.
08:01Otter Stew, Golden Kamuy
08:03Let it be known, Otter Stew is the strongest aphrodisiac known to man, something that Sugimoto
08:09and company learned the hard way after getting a mouthful.
08:16Before long, these hard-boiled macho men find themselves becoming instantly enamoured with
08:20one another.
08:21It is funny as hell for long-time watchers, but from the outside looking in, a scene where
08:26burly, hairy men start exposing their chests and flopping all over each other has softcore
08:32written all over it.
08:34Looks like the otter got its revenge after all.
08:44Denji's First Kiss, Chainsaw Man
08:47Amid the blood, guts and devils, somehow a kiss ended up as the grossest part in all
08:53of Chainsaw Man.
09:01Most of that is Himeno's doing, who drunkenly ensures that Denji's first smooch is very
09:07memorable, for better or for worse.
09:10It's no quick peck, that's for certain, and the intense close-ups are sure to make
09:15the uninitiated get the wrong idea about this show.
09:24But as if that's not bad enough, the scene ends with more than just Himeno's tongue
09:29in Denji's mouth.
09:30For as gruesome as devil hunting can be, it's still gotta be less traumatising than
09:4318 Plus Concerts, Detroit Metal City
09:53Shows like this are why we have a mute button.
09:56Or because the music's bad by any stretch of the word.
09:59As a matter of fact, it's downright rocking most of the time.
10:03The issue is that the namesake band's performances also include obscene lyrics, questionably
10:08legal acts and a whole lot of crude humour.
10:19As expected, not all of it has aged very gracefully, but honestly, earmuffs might not be enough.
10:26Given the incredible density of offence, lewd and altogether inappropriate content, blindfolds
10:32might be in order too.
10:39All in all, it's something of a dual-edged guitar string that the concerts are equally
10:44the best and most dangerous parts of the series.
10:48Mama Mamako
10:50Do you love your mum and her two-hit multi-target attacks?
11:00Don't let this anime's name fool you.
11:02This is most definitely not a show to watch with your mother.
11:06At all.
11:07No exceptions.
11:08Without any ifs, ands or buts.
11:11Because when the MC talks about loving his mum, he means he really loves her.
11:15And evidently, so do the animators.
11:24Ever since Mamako was whisked into the video game world, they've painstakingly drawn
11:29her in some rather sticky situations.
11:32There's honestly too many to list, so this serves as a blanket warning for the entire
11:38Unless you want to be accused of having some major Oedipus complex, this is an anime only
11:42to be seen in the dark of night.
11:55Potty Humor
11:56Golden Boy, Kintaro's quest to get laid has plenty of moments that necessitate headphones.
12:02But the one that'll really earn you some stares is when he isn't even with a woman.
12:12Instead, Kintaro has a bizarre thing for toilets, and he makes his perversion all too clear in
12:18a scene that flushes for itself.
12:25Then just for good measure, he decides to give himself a personal swirly in the toilet
12:32The end result is a moment that sends the shame of both the show and its viewers down
12:37the drain.
12:45At least it has the rare honour of being a scene that's just as bizarre, in context,
12:51as without it.
12:53Smooching Sounds
12:55Rent a Girlfriend
12:57No one can say Ruka's first kiss lacked passion, least of all Kazuya.
13:10To prove it, the animators definitely pulled their weight with those detailed lips.
13:15The only thing is that the actors did the same.
13:17Sure, it's a big moment for the show, but they went way too hard on the vocal efforts,
13:22to the point it gets the idea across a bit too well.
13:29Without any visual aid, the very breathy sounds could easily be misinterpreted as something
13:35a little bit more.
13:36Like say, a full home run instead of just a pit stop at first base.
13:41To be safe, it's best to just watch this one with the sound off.
13:46Tamaki's Burning Desires
13:48Fire Force
13:50One would think that, of all professions, firefighters would endeavour to keep their
13:54gear on.
13:55Apparently Tamaki missed that day in training, so instead she's developed the nasty habit
14:06of losing her clothes in the heat of battle.
14:09And no, it's not just a one-off either.
14:12As a matter of fact, it sometimes feels like she spends more time out of uniform than in
14:23Since she's one of the series' female leads, there's no way of ever knowing how
14:27close you are from another unfortunate groping incident.
14:31In a way, that means she's more dangerous than the fires she fights.
14:35come with alarms and warnings, Tamaki doesn't.
14:47Hit the Showers – Hajime no Ippo
14:49When Ippo decided to step in the ring, this probably wasn't the kind of contest he had
14:53in mind.
14:54But a gym locker room is its own kind of battlefield, and he learns that the hard way when his manhood
15:00comes into question.
15:07Except it doesn't stop there, as Takamura decides to put his money where his towel is
15:13by exposing Ippo's junk in front of everyone.
15:16Without consent, of course.
15:26It's all blurred out, but it's still more genitalia than anyone probably expected
15:30from a boxing anime.
15:32Afterwards, Ippo claims he'll never shower with Takamura ever again, and that's probably
15:37for the best.
15:40Hotel Photoshoot – My Dresser Darling
15:43All season long, this slow burn romance had been cute, wholesome fun for the whole family.
15:48Then, with one wrong move, Gojo single-handedly bumped up the show's age rating.
15:54At least, so it seemed.
16:05In his quest to find a good photoshoot location, he and Kitagawa ended up in a hotel that's
16:11more than just for weary travellers.
16:14And it has all the toys and atmosphere to prove it.
16:23Nothing actually happens between the two, but the blushed faces and shaking bed leave
16:28a very different message for anyone just passing through.
16:32At the very least, no one watching the show will be any more embarrassed than Gojo already
16:44The Butt of the Joke – Gintama
16:47All in all, Gintama is a warm, heartfelt adventure anime.
16:51Just one that happens to have more than its fair share of butt jokes.
17:00Any number of them would be difficult to explain for those unfamiliar with the series' humour.
17:05But words fail to find any way to justify this intimate moment between Gin and Zenzou.
17:11Here, Gintama's hero is caught trying to pull a candle out of a place a candle should
17:16never, ever be.
17:18Don't ask how it got there, where it came from, or why Gin, of all people, is doing
17:26surgery on it.
17:27All that matters is the knowledge to skip this episode when kids, parents or elderly
17:33are around.
17:35No Light for Darkness – Konosuba
17:38God's blessing on this wonderful world.
17:41Busty female knights aren't anything new to isekai anime, but for the first time this
17:46femme fatale enjoys taking pain as much as dishing it out.
17:50So whether she's winning or losing a fight, Darkness is always the real victor.
18:04She makes that fact very clear too, with some not-so-subtle moaning and very horny smack
18:11It's so egregious that, out of context, it could easily make this fantasy show seem
18:15like a very, very different type of adult animation.
18:24In the end, the biggest losers aren't her victims, it's the poor audience that risks
18:28someone walking in any time that Darkness puts up her dukes.
18:43The Massage
18:44We never learn.
18:46This is the reason why you watch anime with headphones on.
18:50When Naruyuki's mother asks him to help out at the massage parlour, he dons the mascot
18:55outfit to help promote the store.
19:02But when the manager has to step out, they put him in charge of massages.
19:06Lo and behold, the power of coincidences, his teacher is the first client.
19:12Of course, he can't reveal his identity, so he powers through and gives his first massage,
19:22while still wearing the costume.
19:24As a parlour staff member comes by to help him, we're suddenly greeted with some loud
19:30Better turn the volume down on this one.
19:38The Vacuum Scene
19:39Watamote, no matter how I look at it, it's your guy's fault I'm not popular.
19:45How far would you be willing to go to become popular in school?
19:49Tomoko is a bit of a loner, who is well-versed in the world of otome games.
19:55As such, she tries out various methods to improve her social status.
20:00One of those things is pretending to get a hickey from her boyfriend.
20:04But of course, she doesn't have one.
20:06So instead, she uses her vacuum cleaner to fake some.
20:13The result is less of what looks like a hickey, and more of a contagious disease.
20:18But the moment where she accidentally covers her mouth with the hose is ripe for misunderstanding.
20:27Baki's First Time
20:29When a parent has the talk with their child, it's typically an awkward affair.
20:34But Yuzuru isn't your typical parent.
20:37The fighter, Baki Hanma, finally has Kozue in his bed.
20:41The two get closer, inches away from each other, when suddenly, his dad appears.
20:55What follows is perhaps the weirdest motivational speech you could ever receive from a father
21:00regarding doing the dirty.
21:02He encourages the two to do it until they tire, never stop, and take pride in the act.
21:12He congratulates the two, and then shortly leaves.
21:15It comes out of nowhere, and might require a bit of explaining if someone jumped into
21:20the series from here.
21:27Gakuto Soils Himself!
21:29Prison School
21:30Prison School is a series that you wouldn't want to watch around anyone conservative with
21:34their humour.
21:36Despite the show being full of fanservice ripe for misinterpretation, this moment is
21:41perhaps the most awkward to be walked in on.
21:43Takehito devises a plan where Kiyoshi can play back audio of pooping to distract, while
21:49he sneaks out of the lavatory so he can get on his date.
21:53But no matter what he does, he can't download the audio online, meaning he has to record
21:58the audio himself.
22:04And so, after some dramatic back and forth, he loudly defecates in front of everybody.
22:15Your parents will be wondering if you need some extra toilet paper after this one.
22:24Hot Spring Scene Various.
22:27Japanese animation is awash with fanservice of every kind, but perhaps the most famous
22:33and widespread situation in anime is the classic Hot Spring Scene.
22:40No matter what you do, if there is a harem of women in the series, they will no doubt
22:48head to the bathhouse at some point.
22:50As a result, you might be watching a space opera, superhero anime, or innocent rom-com
22:56that, for the most part, is fairly tame.
23:02Only for your folks to walk in at the worst possible moment, when everybody has their
23:07bits out.
23:08Beware, anime viewers.
23:10Work on those browser-tabbing skills if you want to avoid some sudden embarrassment.
23:20Foodgasms – Food Wars, Shokugeki no Soma There is so much you can learn from a series.
23:27You can learn about history, martial arts, and in the case of Food Wars, how to cook
23:31a delicious meal.
23:35Teenager Soma takes us on a journey as he perfects his culinary talents to become a
23:41full-time chef.
23:43With a plot like that, you wouldn't be afraid to invite your parents to sit down and watch.
23:48But then, people's clothes are ripping off and screaming with pleasure over the taste
23:53of food.
23:56I mean, what did we expect?
24:02We're so used to the over-dramatisation, this should be no surprise.
24:07So if you're caught off-guard by this moment, you haven't watched enough anime.
24:15One Transformation – Naruto Franchise Naruto Uzumaki's ninja quest to become
24:21the next Hokage is filled with fantastic action and heart-wrenching drama.
24:26However, it still has tropes that might make your parents question what you're watching.
24:31One of these moments is Naruto's sexy jutsu.
24:40While he may have trouble transforming into other ninja, he's so familiar with the image
24:45of a bare woman that he can poof into one as a way to defeat his enemies.
24:50It's a recurring joke across the many different series, and the worst part is that it comes
24:55out of nowhere.
25:00You can have Naruto giving an inspirational speech about how to never give up, only for
25:04him to send everyone in the audience home with a nosebleed.
25:13Best Sniper Scene – High School of the Dead When Studio Madhouse created this show, they
25:18knew what they were doing, and fully leaned into the gore and raunchiness the setting
25:23would provide.
25:25As the group gets trapped with a horde of zombies fastly approaching, the team unloads
25:30everything they've got.
25:31Takashi loses his shotgun bullets, protecting an injured Rei, so he resorts to using the
25:36rifle that's still attached to her.
25:42Bullets fly, chests bounce, and inexplicably deny the laws of physics while camera angles
25:48reveal all.
25:55It is perhaps one of the most ridiculous scenes to ever have been created, and it's not
25:59something you want to be caught watching, but it is awesome.
26:09Magnet Scene – JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders
26:13With a title like that, it's no wonder things can get a bit outlandish.
26:18With the various stand powers each of the characters possess, all sorts of interesting
26:22and sometimes hilarious situations unfold.
26:25In one episode, Joseph and Avdol get cursed with magnetism.
26:30This results in the two attracting metal towards them at an alarming speed, eventually getting
26:35the two stuck together.
26:45As they try to peel away from each other, they end up in all sorts of questionable positions
26:50– something that the crowd, and audiences, could easily misinterpret.
27:00While it's played for comedic effect, it would become a lot less funny if someone was
27:04to walk in on you watching it.
27:28Toothbrush Scene – Nisei Monogatari
27:30Who knew personal hygiene would be so hard to explain?
27:34When Karen begs her brother to introduce her to his friend Kanbaru, Koyomi decides
27:39to play a game.
27:44If his sister can last five minutes with him brushing her teeth, without bowing out, he
27:49will do as she asks.
27:51As they begin, things get progressively more erotic, as Koyomi pushes the boundaries.
28:01It's only worsened by the rising music and visuals escalating the romantics of the scene,
28:10climaxing with Tsukihi walking in on this intimate moment.
28:14Even with context, it would still be a little weird to catch you watching this scene.
28:24Which of these scenes made you ashamed to be an anime fan?
28:28Let us know in those comments below.