• 2 months ago
Si votre canapé vous donne l'impression de vous piquer, c'est un signe d'alerte majeur : vous pourriez avoir des invités indésirables qui s'y cachent ! Les punaises de lit, les puces ou même les acariens pourraient avoir fait de votre endroit douillet leur domicile. Ces petites créatures peuvent mordre et laisser des marques rouges et irritantes, transformant vos moments de détente sur le canapé en véritable cauchemar. Le pire ? Elles se propagent rapidement, passant de votre canapé à votre lit, votre tapis, voire vos vêtements. Si cela se produit, il est temps de tout nettoyer en profondeur, d'appeler les experts en lutte antiparasitaire, et peut-être même de vous débarrasser du canapé. Ne négligez pas les signes – ces nuisibles ne partiront pas d'eux-mêmes ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00A man living in England bought a sofa for his new home.
00:05Without knowing that this furniture would be a threat to his health, or even to his life.
00:10How was this possible?
00:12Two days after this purchase, Andrew Wolf noticed the appearance of red marks all over his body.
00:19Every time he lay down on his sofa to rest, his condition worsened.
00:23He quickly discovered that this new sofa was infested with fleas or bed bugs.
00:28Although Andrew received a significant reduction, only half of the initial price,
00:34his desire to save played a bad trick on him.
00:37He had to commit significant costs to eradicate parasites,
00:41get rid of several furniture, and go through one of the most frustrating experiences.
00:46The company that sold him the sofa agreed to reimburse him while refusing his compensation request,
00:52on the pretext that he was informed that the item had been returned after having already been used.
00:57If you have already felt a strange itch while relaxing on your sofa,
01:01it is possible that you are cohabiting with undesirable parasites.
01:04They are often invisible to the naked eye, and unfortunately, their ability to reproduce is impressive.
01:10Why do they come to your sofa, precisely?
01:13Because it is a comfortable refuge.
01:16Moreover, if you are used to nibbling on snacks such as chips or popcorn while lying on your sofa,
01:22and let's be honest, who doesn't?
01:24You offer them an inexhaustible feast.
01:26By removing the cushions from the sofa and vacuuming all the interstices,
01:30you could manage to solve the problem.
01:33However, if your sofa is old and particularly dirty,
01:37a simple cleaning will not be enough.
01:40The bed bugs, which are essentially active at night,
01:43are likely to bite you during your sleep.
01:45They feed for about ten minutes, until they are completely exhausted.
01:50The bites vary depending on the individual, and can cause serious reactions.
01:55Keep in mind that these small, robust creatures can survive several months without feeding.
02:00If you plan to store your furniture in a garage for a long time,
02:04make sure to clean and vacuum your sofa well
02:07before hermetically covering it with a cover equipped with a light closure.
02:11Even if some bugs remain hidden inside,
02:14they will eventually die of inanition and will no longer be able to reproduce.
02:18Bugs spend most of their time grouped together in the cracks in the walls of your home.
02:24Did you know that they date back to the time of the dinosaurs?
02:27They have existed for at least 165 million years.
02:30At that time, they measured 1 to 2 cm,
02:33compared to their 2 mm today,
02:35and had much more developed mucous membranes to pierce the skin of dinosaurs.
02:40When they sting, the fleas mainly target the legs and ankles.
02:44The traces left by their misdeeds can remain painful
02:48and cause disfigurement for a whole week.
02:51You will not see them bounce from one crack to another,
02:54but their disfigurement is often visible around the feet of your sofa or under it.
02:58If you spot them, you can try to eliminate them by sprinkling salt for a few days
03:04or call a professional.
03:06Bugs generally prefer to choose a home in the kitchen,
03:09but if you transform your living room into a buffet at will,
03:12they will willingly make an exception.
03:14Their presence is so widespread that some studies estimate
03:18that they inhabit up to 98% of urban homes,
03:22most of the time without being detected.
03:25These insects are particularly active at night,
03:27and if you manage to spot them, you can set a trap for them.
03:30Take an empty glass bottle,
03:32soak the bottom with maple syrup
03:34and apply a thin layer of cooking oil on the neck.
03:37This device will act like a real magnet,
03:40attracting the cockroaches that will remain trapped inside.
03:43You can then decide what will happen to your trap filled with insects.
03:47Mites are remarkably discreet.
03:50They will not walk on your sofa,
03:52but their presence can be betrayed by small strange movements.
03:56They swallow wool and natural fibers,
03:59but even if your sofa is synthetic,
04:01they will settle there if there is any food left in it.
04:04If you spot holes in the fabric,
04:06webs around the feet or the frame of a sofa,
04:09or mites larvae,
04:11it is a sign that they have chosen a home in your home.
04:14There are about 160,000 species of mites in the world,
04:18but only 150 of them can bite.
04:21At an adult, they cannot really bite,
04:24because their mouth turns into a long and robust orifice.
04:28On the other hand,
04:29larvae that do not have this characteristic
04:31can cause a lot of discomfort.
04:33Imagine this nightmarish scenario.
04:36You lie down,
04:37and a mite of sofa crawls into your ear.
04:40It happened to a man in the United States
04:42who became famous on the Internet.
04:44By feeling the insect near his ear,
04:47he tried to move it away,
04:49but the mite got stuck inside.
04:51His friends used pliers to extract it.
04:54Finally, the butterfly,
04:56measuring 2 to 3 cm,
04:58was still in perfect health.
05:00This time,
05:01the mite and its unfortunate host came out unscathed.
05:04But experts strongly advise
05:07to use objects to extract an insect from the ear.
05:10It is preferable to tilt your head
05:12to let gravity act,
05:13and to attract the mite outside
05:15with a light source.
05:17In addition,
05:18keep your furniture clean
05:20is essential to avoid attracting these facetious creatures.
05:23The holes in your textiles are already problematic,
05:26but having to throw away all the food from your pantry
05:29is a real disaster.
05:31Food mites swarm dry foods
05:33such as cereals, flour, rice and grains.
05:36They can penetrate your cupboards
05:38through food supplies,
05:40animal feed or bird seeds already contaminated.
05:43Once they hatch,
05:44the larvae spread easily to other foods.
05:47The female of this insect
05:49can lay up to 400 eggs after mating,
05:52making it a real infestation plant.
05:55At hatching,
05:56the larvae feed on your food
05:58while weaving sticky webs.
06:00They are even able to pierce thin cardboard packaging
06:03or plastic bags,
06:04making sealed containers sometimes ineffective.
06:07You can spot their excrements,
06:09their web
06:10or even small holes in your packaging,
06:12as many signs of an invasion.
06:14Although food mites do not pose a danger to humans,
06:17they spoil food
06:19and quickly become annoying.
06:22some species,
06:23such as the mite droplet,
06:25are toxic
06:26and display bright red and black colors
06:28to dissuade predators.
06:30If you think that mites could infest your cupboards,
06:33take a moment to pause the video
06:35and inspect them carefully.
06:37Have you spotted an intruder?
06:39To avoid any bad surprise,
06:41keep your flour,
06:42your pastry mix,
06:43your oatmeal
06:44and your nuts in the freezer
06:46or at least freeze them for three days
06:48before storing them in your cupboards.
06:50This cold treatment
06:51will effectively eliminate all larvae
06:53that could have entered your food supplies
06:55during your shopping.
06:57To reinforce your efforts,
06:59try a simple,
07:01and approved solution
07:02based on white vinegar and hot water.
07:04Mix these two ingredients in equal proportions
07:07and then clean your pantry
07:14and even storage containers.
07:16Mites will quickly leave the place.
07:19for additional protection,
07:20hang flyswatter paper
07:22in your cupboards.
07:23A small touch of fish oil
07:25will attract the last intruders,
07:27unable to resist this temptation.
07:29Here's a riddle.
07:31What is tiny?
07:32It has up to 177 pairs of legs
07:35and can terrify a 40-year-old man
07:37more than a horror movie.
07:40it's a 1,000-legged scooter in your living room.
07:42But before grabbing your slipper
07:44to crush it,
07:45remember that it is actually
07:47a precious ally.
07:48Although it is unable to bite,
07:501,000 legs rarely do so.
07:52They build neither nests nor webs,
07:54do not transmit any disease
07:56and do not cause any damage to your home
07:58or your valuables.
08:00On the contrary,
08:01they are free to hunt for you
08:06mites and other silver fish.
08:08Instead of killing them,
08:09take the time to move them outside.
08:12they will continue their cleaning work
08:14without scaring you.
08:16If you don't want them to come back,
08:18glue all the cracks and gaps
08:20in the foundations,
08:21door frames
08:22and windows.
08:23Repair water leaks
08:25and remove all stagnant water.
08:28remove the piles of wood or leaves from your house.
08:30It takes a little effort,
08:32but the result is worth it.
