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Quand il s'agit de petites bêtes effrayantes, il y a quelques insectes dont vous voulez absolument éviter. Prenons par exemple la fourmi balle, connue pour sa piqûre incroyablement douloureuse qui donne l'impression d'avoir été tiré. Ensuite, il y a le frelon géant asiatique, qui possède une piqûre venimeuse qui peut causer de sérieux problèmes de santé. N'oublions pas l'araignée errante brésilienne, dont la morsure contient une neurotoxine puissante qui peut être mortelle. Et ne négligeons pas le punaise assassin, qui suce le sang de sa proie et peut transmettre des maladies mortelles aux humains. Beurk! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00 Let me introduce you to the little terrors of our world.
00:03 The fire ants.
00:04 When they sting, they inject a venom that can cause serious problems.
00:08 For most people, it's just a burning sensation and clots that form.
00:13 But for others, especially those who are allergic to it, it's a matter of life or death.
00:18 These ants establish their colony right under our feet.
00:21 They are prompt to gather and protect their nest.
00:25 They show no mercy to intruders.
00:28 Their bites are evaluated at about 1.2 on the scale of the pain of the stings.
00:34 Of Schmidt insects, where 4 represent the maximum.
00:38 You would probably shake out of it.
00:40 But the sensation remains less intense than when a wasp stings you.
00:44 These ants are native to the tropical regions of Central and South America.
00:49 But today, we can even find them in some temperate areas of North America.
00:54 In their colony, the fire ants observe a strict hierarchy.
00:58 A queen, males and female and different types of asexual workers.
01:03 They communicate by means of pheromones and sounds.
01:07 The most feared member of this species is the imported red ant.
01:11 These come from South America and have invaded the south of the United States.
01:15 They build large mounds, making agriculture difficult and damaging the crops.
01:21 It is almost impossible to regulate them.
01:23 And as if that were not enough, now appears the emergence of another invasive species,
01:28 the crazy ant of Raspberry.
01:30 It presents a threat to any endemic ecosystem.
01:34 It turns out that ants can be dangerously hostile.
01:39 The mellow-headed tickers are among the 10 most dangerous insects in the world.
01:45 Fortunately, they are not deadly to humans.
01:47 Unless they attack us in large numbers.
01:50 However, they are a serious threat to large animals such as horses.
01:55 The mellow-headed tickers produce a toxin called cantharidin,
02:00 which causes redness and blisters on the skin.
02:03 In the past, people believed that they could treat verrus and even rage.
02:08 And some even went as far as to include it in love filters.
02:11 It's a risky game, however.
02:14 In the 1950s, a Briton was convicted of giving cantharidin-soaked candy to two women,
02:20 causing their death.
02:22 These insects are not to be taken lightly.
02:25 Manipulating or ingesting them is extremely dangerous.
02:28 Yet, they are attracted by the mucus and the foam.
02:31 If a horse eats one or the other of these foods,
02:33 even a handful of mellow-headed tickers are able to release enough cantharidin to kill it.
02:40 This adorable caterpillar from South America is the Launomia oblica,
02:45 and it is the most dangerous caterpillar on Earth.
02:48 It is responsible for a number of deaths because of its powerful venom.
02:52 It is the larva of a Saturnidae.
02:54 When it grows up, it becomes a superb and harmless green to itself.
02:59 But if you see them while they are still juvenile,
03:02 it is better to stay away.
03:04 Their toxicity comes from their hair full of venom.
03:08 They serve as a defense mechanism against predators.
03:11 The poison disturbs blood coagulation and can cause very serious symptoms,
03:17 such as burning sensations, vomiting, kidney problems, and sometimes even worse.
03:23 A single bite will probably not have any serious consequences.
03:26 It only delivers a tiny amount of venom.
03:29 But these caterpillars tend to group together,
03:32 and they are very good at camouflage,
03:34 which increases the risk of multiple bites.
03:38 Caterpillars themselves are not so dangerous to humans.
03:41 They are just ordinary and noisy caterpillars.
03:44 But they are sadly famous for their behavior of stinging.
03:48 These larvae often gather during dry and arid periods.
03:52 Then suddenly, a large amount of rain falls,
03:56 and the plants start to grow rapidly.
03:59 Once the larvae are gone, it is almost impossible to stop it.
04:03 It can mutate into a destructive force in a few minutes.
04:06 Throughout history, the plague of caterpillars has been particularly devastating,
04:11 causing devastation in cultures and agricultural lands.
04:15 What is interesting is that their other name, Locust,
04:18 can refer to different things depending on the different regions of the globe.
04:22 In some cases, Americans refer to the "goats",
04:25 which are also known for their cacophony.
04:28 But for us, Locust usually refers to the "crickets",
04:32 ancient creatures that have been relatively unchanged since the Triassic era.
04:37 They are among the oldest insects on Earth.
04:40 Goats, crickets and even bees can pose an extreme danger,
04:47 especially for those who are allergic to their sting.
04:50 As its name suggests, the giant cricket is the largest of the crickets.
04:53 It can reach up to 5 cm long.
04:56 It has a powerful venom, capable of causing terrible discomfort,
05:00 and can even be pulverized in people's eyes.
05:03 There is an even more venomous species in the Philippines,
05:06 called Vespa Luctuosa.
05:08 Not to be confused with Wingardium Leviosa.
05:11 Are you a fan of Harry Potter somewhere?
05:14 In any case, deaths due to geese or bees are rare but not unknown.
05:19 In the United Kingdom, about 10 people die every year from bees or geese stings.
05:24 Always be careful, these insects are all very territorial
05:28 and will fiercely defend their nest.
05:30 When provoked, they signal the danger to their congeners
05:34 and trigger a general fight.
05:36 If you have to manipulate them,
05:39 it is preferable to call on professionals.
05:41 The chick is as humble as tiny,
05:46 but it has had a colossal impact on history and human health.
05:50 They are not just annoying parasites,
05:52 they are well-known vectors of various diseases
05:56 and are responsible for some of the worst epidemics in history.
06:00 In the 14th century, I was not there yet at the time,
06:02 and that's even better,
06:04 because the bubonic plague killed more than 25 million people across Europe.
06:08 Chicks have played a major role in its spread.
06:11 They spend their lives looking for others to feed on,
06:15 whether they are reptiles, mammals, domestic animals or humans.
06:21 Despite their small size and the absence of wings,
06:23 they compensate for this with an impressive jumping ability.
06:28 They can fly up to 1.8 meters high
06:31 and thus travel more than 360 meters in the air.
06:35 A chick's sting may seem to be a minor discomfort,
06:39 causing dizziness and inflammation.
06:41 But a large number of them can cause the anemia of the host.
06:45 Of course, the most dangerous part about them
06:47 remain viruses, bacteria and other parasites that they transmit.
06:52 Triatominae live mainly in both parts of the American continent.
06:58 With smaller populations in Africa and Asia,
07:01 they are particularly gifted at transmitting bacteria, viruses and parasites.
07:06 One of the parasites they carry is the Trypanosoma cruzii.
07:10 It is responsible for diseases that affect millions of people around the world
07:14 and cause thousands of victims each year.
07:17 What is not insignificant is that the symptoms often do not appear
07:21 before 10, 20 or even 30 years after being stung.
07:25 They generally manifest by cardiac failure,
07:28 digestive problems or nervous system disorders.
07:31 These insects are called Veritibus Vampirus,
07:34 which suck your blood and are attracted by the breath of the Eos Proius.
07:38 If you breathe through the mouth, you are susceptible to chewing.
07:42 They are not the most refined eaters either,
07:45 often biting in an almost uncontrollable way,
07:48 which only adds to the problem.
07:51 Many have already heard of the Tsetse fly,
07:54 a singular and frightening insect,
07:57 native to tropical Africa.
07:59 These flies are carriers of one of the most devastating human diseases,
08:04 that of sleep.
08:05 Like the Triatominae,
08:07 the Tsetse fly is a transmitter of Trypanosomes,
08:10 the parasites that cause the disease.
08:13 They acquire this parasite from an infected host,
08:15 where it develops inside the body of the fly.
08:19 Sleep disease does not strike immediately.
08:22 After a sting, it takes 1 to 3 weeks for the symptoms to appear.
08:27 Fever, headaches, joint pain and nausea.
08:31 As the disease progresses, it can invade the nervous system,
08:35 causing confusion, insomnia and loss of balance.
08:39 Without treatment, it can lead to a coma followed by a fatal outcome.
08:43 Fortunately, sleep disease can be treated,
08:46 and the number of human losses tends to decrease.
08:48 The Tsetse fly also has a historical importance.
08:52 Its presence has hampered the European colonial expansion in Africa.
08:57 And the crown of the most dangerous insect in the world comes back to mosquitoes.
09:02 This is not a surprising war.
09:04 Despite their small size, they have a colossal impact.
09:07 They are not only responsible for more human losses each year than any other animal,
09:12 but they have also left an indelible mark on history.
09:16 These little insects have played a role in the ascent and fall of entire civilizations.
09:21 Thus, malaria has considerably weakened the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.
09:28 What is interesting is that it is not the mosquitoes themselves that are dangerous,
09:32 but once again, their parasites, bacteria and viruses are transmitted by their sting.
09:38 These flying horrors thus spread an entire buffet of diseases.
09:42 In addition to malaria, we count yellow fever, which, just like the Tsetse fly,
09:48 has never ceased to hamper the efforts to colonize tropical regions.
09:52 The most frightening of them is the Anopheles mosquito.
09:56 It is the ultimate predator of the insect world,
09:59 responsible for more deaths and diseases than any other.
10:03 How do we fight these tiny but yet so powerful enemies?
10:07 With prevention.
10:09 We must eliminate stagnant water in our immediate environment,
10:13 and practice mosquito control measures.
10:16 We must always be two steps ahead to protect ourselves from these dangerous insects.
