• 2 months ago


02:34And what will the movement say?
02:39The chatyagraha that was going on, is still going on, because there has been a lot of
02:48injustice done to them.
02:57In the 70th examination, there has been a lot of fighting, a lot of mistakes, a lot of
03:07malpractice, and the repercussion of this will be that the meritorious students, the
03:15meritorious students will be left out, and less meritorious people will be selected.
03:23This is bad for the country, and bad for the state, because if good people are not selected,
03:30if good people are not selected from the competition, then it is the responsibility of the Bihar
03:38Public Solutions to select good, competent, educated, intelligent people.
03:44And what has happened here?
03:47There was an examination on the 13th at 1 o'clock.
03:52The question was written at 1 o'clock on Twitter, which is called X these days.
03:58It was circulated all over Bihar.
04:01There were 912 examination centers.
04:05Everyone understood, everyone saw.
04:08There were a lot of centers that did not have a jammer.
04:13According to the SOP, according to the rule, wherever there is an examination center,
04:18there should be a jammer.
04:20Most of the stations did not have a jammer.
04:24Wherever there was a jammer, electricity was cut for some time, 2, 4, 5, 10 minutes
04:29is enough.
04:31According to the SOP, electricity should not be cut.
04:35According to the questions paper SOP, the bundle question has to be opened in front of the students.
04:43In most of the examinations centers, in 912, the bundle paper was not opened in front of the students.
04:53All this is being shown.
04:56Now 5,000 students…
