• 2 months ago
नेतानी नॉन पॉलीटिकल में मिलिए सरकार में सबसे ज्यादा चर्चित शिक्षा मंत्री मदन दिलावर से. ब्यूरो चीफ अश्विनी विजय प्रकाश पारीक रू-ब-रू हुए मदन दिलावर से.


00:00Namaskar, I am Ashwini Vijay Prakash Malik and you are watching Netaji Non-Political.
00:18Today we have with us the Education Minister of Rajasthan, Madan Dilawar.
00:22We have come to Madan Dilawar's house.
00:24It is early morning and he is busy with the cow service.
00:27You can see that Madan Dilawar's cow is here and he is feeding it fresh green radish leaves.
00:34Welcome to ATV Bharat, Dilawar sahib.
00:38Is this the face of the morning of the cow service?
00:42And since when do you have this cow love in you?
00:49I will have to find the date, but I have always had a lot of respect for the cow.
01:00Yes, we have also come to understand this.
01:06As the discussion goes on, you also feed the cow urine.
01:11Do you believe there is a special reason behind this?
01:14Look, there is no protector greater than the cow.
01:20And I am saying this because when our ancestors started farming in the ancient times,
01:28there was only one cow mother who gave her child to the farmers and asked them to help her.
01:37And she herself helped us to fill our stomachs and helped us to grow crops.
01:46Otherwise, I have not seen anyone else who puts their son in such a difficult job.
01:52That is why it remained.
01:54The other thing is that the cow mother, as per my knowledge, gives 24 hours of oxygen.
02:05And the oxygen that she gives, all animals and humans need it.
02:13When there is a shortage of oxygen, there is an excess of carbon dioxide.
02:20It creates carbon monoxide gas, which is a poisonous gas for all of us.
02:26The next thing is that the cow's urine is useful for all humans.
02:33The cow's urine is essential for cultivating our crops.
02:41If there is no cow's urine, our crops cannot be cultivated.
02:46That is, it will prevent us from giving fertilizers.
02:50That is why all our religious texts have written a lot of respect for the cow mother.
03:01How many cows do you have here and how much time can you take out to take care of them?
03:05I have two cows and two of their children.
03:09There are four in total.
03:11We try to take care of them.
03:16Sometimes we have to stay outside, which is impossible.
03:19We are able to see some vegetables here.
03:22We are going to the garden.
03:25Are you interested in gardening from the beginning?
03:30I am a son of a farmer.
03:33And I have done all this work in our fields.
03:37I have done farming.
03:39I have also sold vegetables.
03:41I used to go to the village to sell vegetables.
03:45And when I ran out of vegetables, I used to buy them and sell them.
03:49I have also done this work.
03:51Being a son of a farmer, it is natural.
03:53We can see that organic vegetables use cow's manure and cow's milk.
04:02And you fully believe in this system.
04:06I mentioned your Swagat in the beginning.
04:08I remembered one more thing.
04:10You do not accept garlands in Swagat.
04:14Is there any special reason behind it?
04:16Earlier, it was said that until the temple of Lord Ram is not built in Ayodhya, I will not accept garlands.
04:25I took this decision in February 1990.
04:28It was fulfilled.
04:30Five days after that, I took another decision.
04:33Until the temple of Lord Krishna is not built in Mathura, I will not accept garlands.
04:41So, this is a big reason.
04:43I come to that period.
04:46When you were starting, you had to come to Kota from the village.
04:50It was a period of struggle.
04:52How was it?
04:53I heard that you used to do the business of clothes earlier.
04:57When I completed my studies, my engineering diploma, I did not get a job.
05:05The financial situation of the family was not good.
05:09My elder brother used to sell clothes on a cycle.
05:12I also started it.
05:14For 2-3 years, I have done this work of clothes.
05:18I used to tie clothes on a cycle and sell them in villages.
05:22How was your journey from the village to Kota?
05:26You reached Kota.
05:28What was the struggle for you at that time?
05:31Because I did not ride a cycle in the rain.
05:34There were not many roads.
05:37Then I thought, how will the family run?
05:40I thought that whatever I studied, I will use it.
05:43I will go to Kota and do whatever work I get.
05:47And for that, I came to Kota.
05:50In a month, I earned Rs. 450.
05:54For a few years, I worked in a private company of Kota Thermal Power Plant.
06:04As a Mechanical Engineer.
06:06Then you joined the Sangha.
06:11I have been a member of the Sangha since childhood.
06:14I have been a member of the Sangha since the age of 13.
06:17And being a member of the Sangha means I am.
06:23Before this, I was also a member of the Sangha.
06:29Then I was ordered by the National Assembly that I have to work in Bajrangbal.
06:35I was the first member of Bajrangbal in Rajasthan.
06:39So, you were a member of Bajrangbal and Vishwamitra Parishad.
06:42You were also a member of Kar Seva.
06:44You went to Kar Seva in 1992.
06:46So, you went to Kar Seva with the inspiration of your friends.
06:50What were your initial thoughts?
06:52What was going on in your mind at that time?
06:54I am a member of the National Assembly.
06:57And being an aware citizen, it was my responsibility to build the temple of Lord Ram.
07:05I should also contribute to that.
07:08And that is why I went to Kar Seva.
07:11Because I had a grudge on my head.
07:13That Babur broke the temple of Lord Ram and built a mosque there 500 years ago.
07:20That was not right.
07:22You came into politics.
07:23You came into contact with Bhairav Singh.
07:24What was that story?
07:26When you became a MLA in 1918, how was that journey for you?
07:30The people who supported me and wanted me to move forward,...
07:37...they told me that I should work in politics.
07:40And I followed their orders.
07:43And God blessed me with success.
07:46Did you come into direct contact with Bhairav Singh?
07:49Or did you become a mediator?
07:51How was that political journey for you?
07:55I had heard of Bhairav Singh.
08:00I had never met Bhairav Singh.
08:03But I had heard that he was an Indian.
08:06So he must have contacted me.
08:10And that is why I was given a ticket to the Indian party.
