• 2 months ago
विदिशा में आयोजित कनारा टी20 क्रिकेट प्रतियोगिता का गुरुवार को समापन हो गया. 55 सालों से लगातार इस टूर्नामेंट का आयोजन हो रहा है.


00:00I came to Karnataka Club for the 55th tournament and got a chance to come here.
00:06I was surprised and happy to know that the cricket started 55 years ago and is still going on.
00:18I would like to congratulate the Ajay Samiti team.
00:22The ground was so good and the game was so good.
00:26The whole team deserves to be congratulated for that.
00:30The game is visible for a day, but there is a lot of penance behind it.
00:35They did a lot of good deeds.
00:38Today, the Delhi team won and Nagpur was a little behind.
00:44We will work harder next time.
00:47What do you have to say about the village games?
00:53I have said in my speech that our future generations should continue to play cricket so that it is remembered.
01:13Cricket is being played all over the world.
01:16But the names of the games that you have taken, I have taken in my own bottle.
01:20Hockey is also playing today.
01:24You are absolutely right.
01:26If you have heard my speech properly, then I have also taken the name of hockey.
01:30Earlier, when we used to play, we used to see kids playing hockey on the road.
01:37Today, when we see cricket, we see kids playing in every corner.
01:41At that time, there was hockey, but today hockey is not visible anywhere.
01:44The reason for this is that we have always been number one in the world in hockey.
01:49So let's pay attention to that game too.
01:51This is what I want to say to all the game lovers.
01:54Sir, should the game be played on the same level in this district to give a boost to the game lovers?
02:03If we compare the past and the present, there is a lot of difference in the games.
02:10Sir, we go to Sagar, we go to Rahili, we go to Garhapurta.
02:13Every 10-15 kilometers, we get a game.
02:16I want to tell you a story behind it.
02:19Our Mani Prabh, who is Mr. Bhargav, was the Minister of Rural Development for 10 years in a row.
02:26And you have seen that the fields of rural development have been seen a lot in rural areas.
02:31And it is not that it is not here either.
02:34But what you are saying is that it is in more numbers there.
02:37This is absolutely true.
02:38It should be made more.
02:39There is a lot of commitment to the game in the village today.
02:43There are always a lot of tournaments in the village.
