• 2 months ago
कुचामन किले के नटवरलाल मन्दिर व ठाकुरजी के मन्दिर में पौष बड़ा महोत्सव का आयोजन किया गया.


00:00This month is the month of Dhanushmas
00:04Dhanushmas means the month of wealth
00:08In this month, we call it the month of Kosh
00:12And because of the cold weather in the month of Kosh
00:16In the temples of Thakurthi, there are many festivals
00:20Like Ram Kshetri, Kosh Vada, Halwa
00:28There are many varieties of Halwa and sweets
00:34In the temple of Natrulal ji, in 1970
00:38Uma Shankar ji was the chief
00:41There was a big Ayodhya
00:43In that, Natrulal ji was sitting on the fort
00:46And at that time, a big Ayodhya was held
00:49In which, the Halwa of carrots and Dal Pakodi were made
00:55And a big Ayodhya of Kosh Vada was held
00:57Secondly, this Ayodhya is held in the month of Dhanushmas
01:03In the month of Dhanushmas, there is a big ritual of worshipping Lord Vishnu
01:08And in this, by offering different types of food to Lord
01:11Man gets rid of many types of problems
01:14And the sight of different types of planets
01:18That is, there are different types of planets in the kundali
01:22This Ayodhya of Kosh Vada is very important for the peace of their planet
01:27And in many ways, in the month of Kosh Vada, there is a donation of blankets
01:31In winter, there is a donation of clothes
01:33In many temples, there is a donation of different types of clothes
01:36In our temples, there is a donation of Rajai
01:41And in the month of Kosh Vada, there is a donation of different types of meat
