• 2 months ago


00:00We have taken this into consideration and we will ask the shopkeeper about it and we will take further action on it.
00:08We will definitely take action on what you have told us.
00:12Disposal of medicines is a matter of course, but we will definitely take action on how it is being done and what is being done.
00:19What is the method?
00:21Medicines are disposed in this way.
00:24And it is also done by burying them.
00:27No, no, no.
00:29We will definitely take action on what you are telling us.
00:32What you have just said that if medicines are being burned in the main road, this is a very wrong thing.
00:40Whereas, if it is possible that those medicines have expired, which have not been used,
00:47then such medicines should be removed from the strip and if there are medicines in the vial,
01:03then they should be opened and dug in the right way.
