• 2 months ago
कोरबा की चांदनी दिल्ली में आयोजित यंग लीडर्स डायलॉग कार्यक्रम में प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के समक्ष अपना विजन प्रस्तुत करेंगी.


00:00In the last few days, the government has been trying to get the people to vote for the PM
00:07But the PM has not been able to do so
00:12The PM has been called to the special assembly
00:19The PM was called to the special assembly as per the PM's order
00:24He was given 4 days to call the PM
00:29And the PM was not able to think properly
00:34We had an agenda on the 5th of every month
00:39We had an agenda on the 3rd of every month
00:44But the PM was not able to think properly
00:49We had an agenda on the 4th of every month
00:54But the PM was not able to think properly
00:59We had an agenda on the 5th of every month
01:04But the PM was not able to think properly
01:09We had an agenda on the 6th of every month
01:14We had an agenda on the 7th of every month
01:19We had an agenda on the 8th of every month
01:24We had an agenda on the 9th of every month
01:29We had an agenda on the 10th of every month
01:34We had an agenda on the 11th of every month
01:39We had an agenda on the 12th of every month
01:44We were not able to pay the government expenses
01:50The PM has not been able to say anything
01:55Why have you not been able to say anything?
02:00We were supposed to discuss the wise management of the city
02:07We wanted to discuss this with him, but he did not discuss it with us in any way.
02:11No, we cannot say that he was opposing the ruling party.
02:14Some people from the ruling party were opposing it.
02:17Ayutthadwara was sent on 24 December for MIC.
02:24It is a very important matter of cleanliness.
02:28It is a matter related to the public.
02:30It is a matter related to every parliament.
02:32I was under a lot of pressure from the parliaments to do it quickly.
02:35The cleanliness system is very difficult in our country.
02:38So, on everyone's request, it was passed today.
02:43Some people wanted to stop the matter for their own benefit.
02:48Which was unanimously approved.
02:53There were four more placements for cleanliness.
02:59There were five agendas in total.
03:01On the 24th, I was shown the register.
03:04I was asked to sign it.
03:05On the 24th and 11th, he had come to Sachiwala.
03:08Sachiv was repeatedly asking us to do the MIC.
03:17I don't know why, but he was adamant.
03:21On the 3rd, on Friday, he did the MIC.
03:24He could not take a decision.
03:27He did not have to take a decision.
03:29It was a matter outside his jurisdiction.
03:32It was a matter of the public.
03:34So, in the end, it had to be decided in the public.
03:38And it happened today.
03:40It is wrong.
03:42What he is saying is ignorance.
03:45How many placements were there?
03:46In our country, 12 crore rupees are for cleaning.
03:51In four zones.
03:55This is different from the five zones of cleanliness.
03:59If we compare it with cleanliness,
04:04we have saved five crore rupees for our Rishali Nagar.
04:08It was not the MIC, but it was included in the Kandikaon.
04:18No one else was able to get out.
04:21No one else was able to get out.
