• 2 months ago
Following an apocalyptic disaster that has divided communities into distinct territories, Sovereignties and Bound Cities: Humankind has evolved the ability to ascend into a fifth dimension whereby they can communicate with their ancestors for guidance. This is the First Light principle.

As long as equilibrium is maintained among all living things, between earth air, fire and water then the First Light will hold Earth’s ancestors in ascension, and they may be reached for guidance and will be in turn be rebirthed. This process of rebirth adds wisdom and beauty in a constant cycle of growth and change.

Our heroes we meet initially are: Eva Ventura, head Apothecarist. Terry Ranger (animals love him) and chief nurturer, Hannah Woodhead. Together they run the Apothecary in the town of Dustin. A place where animals come to be healed and the herbal arts are used to promote the welfare of the peoples of Destin.

I grew up in New Zealand and became a journalist in 2001. I had a lot of fun doing community journalism over the next decade with a young family. I wrote children’s books and poetry in my spare time of which there wasn’t very much of as a young Mom.

Our family of seven (five children) emigrated to the USA in 2012. I was still recovering from a hemorrhagic stroke I had in 2006 while pregnant with my second child. It completely disabled me for some years. It turned out the change of scene would be good for both my recovery, my writing and my creative visualization process. Not long after we moved to the U.S. I started being visited by images of characters and started developing a storyline for a fantasy book aimed at teenagers and their parents. I hope you enjoy reading Asperia, First Light as much as I did writing it.


