• 2 months ago
ঘটনাটি উত্তর 24 পরগনার গাইঘাটার সুটিয়া গ্রাম পঞ্চায়েতের ৷ সিভিক ভলান্টিয়ারের বক্তব্য মেলেনি ৷ বিষয়টি খতিয়ে দেখার আশ্বাস দিয়েছেন বিডিও ৷


00:00What has happened to you now?
00:26A loan is being deposited in our bank. We are not able to figure out what kind of loan it is.
00:31There is a person called Tapas. He is taking all the money from there.
00:35When was the first time the money was deposited?
00:37The first time it was deposited once. He took out 10,000 and again 10,000 was deposited.
00:42When did 10,000 get deposited?
00:44It was deposited last month.
00:48Can you tell me what kind of money it is?
00:51I heard from the bank that it is a loan from the SBI.
00:56Who is Tapas?
00:58Tapas lives in Anchal. He drives a car.
01:04He works for the SBI or the Civil Police.
01:07Civil Police?
01:09Why is he asking for money at this age?
01:12He is asking for money to cut the land.
01:15Did you cut the land?
01:17Yes, my husband and father-in-law cut the land.
01:20You didn't cut the land?
01:21No, I didn't cut the land.
01:22Did you deposit the money in your account?
01:23Yes, I deposited the money in my account.
01:25Did you file a form for the loan?
01:26No, I didn't file a form.
01:28What about the loan?
01:29Tapas will know about it. He knows about the money.
01:34He didn't give you a single rupee?
01:35No, he didn't give me a single rupee.
01:37Did you deposit the money in your account?
01:39Yes, Tapas said that he will deposit the money in my account.
01:45I asked him why he would deposit the money in my account.
01:47He said that he will give me the money.
01:49I told him that I deposited the money in my account the first time.
01:54The second time I deposited the money.
01:57The first time I deposited the money, it was 11,000 rupees.
01:59The second time I deposited the money, it was 10,000 rupees.
02:01I didn't give this 10,000 rupees.
02:05He kept on coming to my house and calling me asking me to give him the money.
02:13Tapos, Tapos's wife.
02:14What does Tapos do?
02:15Tapos is a Civil Police officer.
02:16Civil Police?
02:18And what does Tapos do?
02:19Civil Police.
02:20And how much money is this?
02:21I don't know how much money this is.
02:22They didn't tell us.
02:23Have you ever applied?
02:24No, I haven't.
02:25Have you ever applied to the government?
02:26No, I haven't.
02:27If I can't understand, I'll do it.
02:28They forced me to come here.
02:29They gave me the money online.
02:30That's why I came here.
02:31That's why I came here.
02:32That's why I came here.
02:33That's why I came here.
02:34That's why I came here.
02:35That's why I came here.
02:36That's why I came here.
02:37That's why I came here.
02:38It was very hysterical and I was like, I can't run.
02:47What else can I do?
02:55They forced me to come here.
02:56That's why I came here.
02:57That's why I came here.
02:58That's why I came here.
02:59I told them, OK, you come here.
03:01Come as you are.
03:02I am here watching you.
03:03You cannot escape me.
03:04To take this money from me.
03:06I'm getting used to this.
03:07They know what kind of money it is and why it is there.
03:10I didn't force them to take the money out of their account.
03:13I didn't steal it from them either.
03:15They gave it to me willingly.
03:16After giving it to me willingly, the money was deposited in their account.
03:19And they said that they will withdraw the money.
03:22After that, this and that happened.
03:24They did whatever they thought was right.
03:26Do they have an account?
03:28They definitely have an account.
03:29There is no such thing that they have worked for more than 100 days.
03:33This Sardarpal's son.
03:35He can talk to them too.
03:37They will get the money.
03:39That's the rule. They will get the money.
03:41They are the ones who are taking the money.
03:43They are not taking the money for any reason.
03:45I can't say that.
03:47They are saying that you are taking the money.
03:49No, we are not.
03:51If someone wants to take the money, I will do that.
03:53You don't know that.
03:55Then who will give you the money?
03:57Who will give?
03:59I don't know that much.
04:01What does your husband do?
04:03My husband works as a civil servant.
04:05He works as a civil servant.
04:07What else does he do?
04:09He stays in the panchayat.
04:11Is he a supervisor in the panchayat?
04:15He has been a supervisor for 100 days.
04:17I don't know if there is a supervisor
04:19in the Tapas Mandal Sutriya Panchayat.
04:21But what has happened is that
04:23if the SCP loan is still pending,
04:25this year,
04:27we didn't get any SCP loan.
04:29If it is pending,
04:31we will see about it.
04:33If they say that
04:35they are from the Trinamool Dal,
04:37then our Trinamool Dal
04:39will be like this.
04:41They won't be able
04:43to tolerate
04:47And the Dalis who are here,
04:49we won't support
04:53We have seen that
04:55the women's accounts
04:57are filled with money.
04:59They don't even know what the money is.
05:01They don't even know
05:03that they have received
05:05the SCP loan.
05:07They don't even ask for it.
05:09The Tapas Mandal women
05:11are the leaders
05:13of the women's group.
05:15They have come from
05:17the women's group
05:19to support the women's group.
05:21They don't understand
05:23and support the women's group.
05:25They don't even know
05:27what the money is.
05:29We have to give them the money.
05:31They are pressuring us
05:33to give them the money.
05:35If we don't give them,
05:37they will be scared.
05:39This is the Tapas Mandal.
05:41They are responsible
05:43for the women's group
05:45and they are the
05:47supervisors of the Trinamool Dal.
05:49They are in charge of
05:51the women's group.
05:53One of the women's group
05:55is asking for money
05:57from the women's group.
05:59What should we do?
06:01The Trinamool Dal
06:03has nothing to do
06:05with the women's group.
06:07It is the supervisors
06:09and the women's group
06:11who are doing the work.
06:13All the women's group
06:15will benefit from this money.
06:17All the women's group
06:19will benefit from this money.
06:21All the women's group
06:23will benefit from this money.
06:25The women's group
06:27is in the first rank
06:29of the Trinamool Dal.
06:33I haven't received any such
06:37We will see
06:39if we get it.
06:41We will enquire
06:43about this.
06:45We will enquire
06:47about this.
