• 2 months ago

The Jury Court: Paul McWilliams - Judge Barry McClain (Alabaster) and his assistant (Arm) test out a kid (Andell Washington) who says non-sequiturs.

Jonas, The Scaredy Cat (#1) - A guy named Jonas McCary (Washington) is a scaredy-cat who is at a talent show and he embarrass himself real hard.

New Jersey Police Officer - A yiddish and childish New Jersey Police Worker (Barnes) solves a case with his deputy (Arm), who he irritates.

Bad Business Karaoke - During a Business Karaoke party, Chet (Barnes) introduces a guy named Drew Callies, (Washington) who is a bad singer.

Jonas, The Scaredy Cat (#2) - Jonas’s Parents (Barnes, Arm) reveal to Jonas (Washington) that he has butt seizures, much to his dismay.


