• 2 months ago

The MyPersonalLife Remote - A fake commercial about a narrator (Alabaster) introducing a kid (Smith) to a new remote control that’s like the others, except showing your personal life secrets.

Western Idiots (#1) - A dimwitted country folk (Arm) asks another dimwitted country folk (Barnes) what do they want to do today.

The Rude Manners Talk Show - A talk show parody starring Peter Bronson (Arm) interviewing psychiatrist Dr. Abraham DaVinci (McAllister), with Peter interrupting with his bad manners.

Learning Languages w/ Yancy & Dean - In a “educational sketch”, Yancy & Dean teach the audience funny sentences in different languages.

Western Idiots (#2) - Much like the previous part, a dimwitted country folk (Arm) asks another dimwitted country folk (Barnes) what is the answer to 2 + 2.


