• 2 months ago
The anticipated release of the 2025 lamb ad takes aim at online trolling in comment sections.
00:00What do you reckon?
00:03Don't know.
00:06And... check.
00:08Oh my god! That's the funniest thing I've seen all week.
00:12No notes.
00:13Who would do that to a dog?
00:15That looks like a dog I drew in grade two.
00:17Gina Smith, this is literally you.
00:19It's literally me.
00:20Everyone calm down. It's fake.
00:31Wow, this comment section is getting toxic.
00:33Do you think this is happening everywhere?
00:39Madness! We're killing the environment.
00:42We're saving the environment.
00:44They only work when there's enough wind.
00:46I made $5,000 in a week working from home with this one simple trick.
00:51I love renewables.
00:52CO2 is perhaps the near lowest in Earth's history.
00:55You're right. Next thing you'll tell me the Earth is flat.
00:59See? Flat Earth.
01:01This proves nothing. That could be AI.
01:03No, that's AI.
01:04It's achievable naturally. I have a body similar to that.
01:07Looking good, Koshi.
01:08I made $5,000 in a week.
01:10Shut up.
01:11That's the way you make a perfect cuppa.
01:14Milk before tea? This is a crime.
01:16Same as with cereals. Milk first.
01:19You are a psycho.
01:20Guys, it's not real.
01:23Oh, we're fighting over tea now.
01:25Could be worse.
01:31She's my hero!
01:33She broke dancing.
01:35I don't get it.
01:36If cringe could kill you, this would be a lethal dose.
01:39Oh, another keyboard warrior.
01:41Gina Smith, literally not you.
01:43So not me.
01:45It's fake.
01:46Why is everyone hating?
01:47It's fake.
01:48She sucks.
01:49You suck.
01:50Booked and reported.
01:51Booked and reported.
01:52Booked and reported.
01:53Well, to her, please.
01:55It's fake.
01:56Everyone relax.
01:57It's not real.
01:59Dumbest spot ever.
02:00What's next?
02:01Dog grooming?
02:02Hey, screw you!
02:05Sorry, I just got caught up in whatever this is.
02:09There's gotta be something that unites us.
02:15Oh, yeah.
02:25I love lamb.
02:26Come on, everyone.
02:27Get out of the comments and into the conference.
02:28I am such a ditzy ditty.
02:29I am in a big old gritty gut.
02:30Now this is real.
02:31Gina Smith, it's literally you.
02:32Oh my God.
02:33It's me, Gina Smith.
02:34Oh, my God.
02:35It's me.
02:36It's me.
02:37It's me.
02:38It's me.
02:39It's me.
02:40It's me.
02:41It's me.
02:42It's me.
02:43It's me.
02:44It's me.
02:45It's me.
02:46It's me.
02:47It's me.
02:48It's me.
02:49It's me.
02:50It's me.
02:51It's me.
02:52It's me.
02:53It's me.
02:54It's me.
02:55It's me.
02:56It's me.
02:57It's me.
02:58It's me.
02:59It's me.
03:00It's me.
03:01It's me.
03:02Wait, why is everyone being so nice?
03:03I think everyone's a lot nicer in real life than we are online.
03:04I guess the anonymousness of the internet promotes disagreements, and the platforms that we use...
03:05Yeah, we get it.
03:06Just ate some lamb.
03:07I hope people post nice comments about this ad.
