• 2 months ago
Hulk Hogan didn't receive a warm welcome at Netflix's 'Monday Night RAW' event in Los Angeles last night ... in fact, he got verbally body-slammed by a sea of booing fans as he tried to give a speech.


00:00WWE made its debut on Netflix, boy, Netflix is-
00:03That's amazing.
00:04Getting into that live entertainment.
00:05I'm not kidding.
00:06It was Monday Night Raw on Netflix and one of the, look, I think Netflix when they said,
00:12look, we're going to get into bed with the WWE, we got to have Hulk Hogan on the first night somehow, some way.
00:19And you would think, I mean, Hulk Hogan is really-
00:22In many ways, the legend.
00:26I mean, maybe not the current face, but the legendary face.
00:30Of WWE.
00:31So they got him.
00:32And when he came out, though, very odd reception for the Hulkster.
00:37There's a man.
00:39He is a man.
00:42And he has a mask.
00:44And he has a mask.
00:51So he did a whole speech where he was celebrating the fact that wrestling is now on Netflix.
00:59And through the entire thing, they were booing.
01:02And I have a theory.
01:03It's got to be politics, right?
01:04Of course it's politics.
01:05He was-
01:06This was in LA.
01:07He was really the featured guy at the Republican National Convention.
01:10He ripped up his shirt, did the whole thing, and everybody talked about it.
01:14This is California, folks.
01:16At the Intuit Dome in Englewood.
01:18It's the heart of LA, so-
01:20This is politics.
01:21I would think that's what it is.
01:22Of course.
01:23I thought that as well, but I was reading some wrestling blogs this morning, obviously
01:27covering the story.
01:28And a lot of it stems from, I guess, some of his past transgressions, some of the past
01:31scandals he's involved in as well.
01:33I was shocked by this.
01:34Even politics side, all that aside, I thought he was like a wrestling legend.
01:37But over the years, according to some of these wrestling heads, they just fell out of love
01:41with him.
01:42And I'm sure that politics plays into it and all that stuff.
01:44But again, it doesn't seem like he's just liked in the wrestling world as is.
01:48And then you've got to remember, too, he's also pitching his beer here as well.
01:52So this was like a commercial for his beer, too.
01:54Well, that may be part of it.
01:55There's a reason they went and got him, right?
01:57He made appearances before the RNC, and he was really received well at some wrestling
02:04So the only thing that changed was that.
02:07And certainly seems like it.
02:08So Hulk has turned heel before, and I'm sure he was not bothered by it at all.
02:14I am sure you're right.
