• 2 months ago
Trista Sutter says she's not cut out for life in the military ... because her first taste of Special Forces military training was brutal and intense.


00:00Your poor husband, Ryan, or at least the world thought Ryan was very worried about you because
00:07you'd gone MIA around Mother's Day.
00:11To find yourself.
00:12And you were not MIA, you were doing special forces.
00:17I sure was.
00:18I sure was.
00:19And he was, you know, he was sweet.
00:21He went, you know, onto Instagram to profess his love in a way, to shout it from the rooftops
00:29so that, you know, I could see it.
00:32I appreciate the big gesture, but of course a lot of people thought it was cryptic and
00:37thought, oh my gosh, is she having a nervous breakdown?
00:39Are they getting divorced or are they trial separation or what?
00:44And you know, no, I was just off doing crazy thing like filming special forces.
00:48How brutal was this?
00:50And where were you?
00:52And was there a point where you just said, I can't do this?
00:55Well, I can't talk about any endings, like in terms of what happens on my journey, but
01:02I can say that that is the perfect word.
01:06It was brutal.
01:07And I feel like a lot of people, when they talk to me about it, they're like, was it
01:11so much fun?
01:12And I feel like fun is not the word.
01:14Brutal is a perfect word or intense is a perfect word.
01:18I mean, it was fun in a way that, you know, you bond with your fellow recruits.
01:25I never would have met half, if not all of these people.
01:28The camaraderie was amazing.
01:30It was, it was the best part of this experience.
01:32So your husband's a firefighter and he is fit and he goes through training like this.
01:38Was there a part of you that said, I got to show him I'm as tough as he is when it really
01:44got really difficult?
01:46Was it kind of part of the dynamic of the marriage?
01:49What would Ryan do here?
01:50He would go.
01:51Or a challenge.
01:53He was my part of my inspiration.
01:54I mean, honestly, I don't think I would have done the show if he didn't have such a desire.
02:00Like he would have done this in a heartbeat.
02:02He wanted to be in the military.
02:04He's colorblind.
02:05And so he got, you know, the ax or the X before he could even start going down that path.
02:13He ended up playing in the NFL instead, but, um, you know, whatever.
02:18And then he played for nine seconds, but that's a whole other story.
02:23I was trying to like, make him proud, make my kids proud, make myself proud, make my
02:29friends proud.
02:30But he was top of my list because I know that he would have done anything to be there with
