• 2 months ago
Budget 2025: संसद में इस साल का केंद्रीय बजट 2025 पेश किए जाने से पहले अटकलें लगाई जा रही हैं कि बैंकों में इनवेस्टमेंट बढ़ाने के लिए सरकार बड़ा कदम उठा सकती है.

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00:00Before the Central Budget of this year is presented to the Parliament, it is being argued that the government can take a big step to increase investment in banks.
00:13For this, income tax can be removed from the interest on the fixed deposit and FD investors can be given a lot of relief.
00:21For now, the bank imposes taxes on the interest on FD according to the income tax slab of the people.
00:28So let's tell in this video that if this decision is taken in the budget, then what benefits will you get from it?
00:34There are such news that the banks have legislated to remove this income tax on the interest received from FD.
00:40If this is implemented, then this solution can benefit those people to a great extent who are dependent on FD for savings and income.
00:49According to reports, before the budget meeting with Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, financial institutions,
00:56especially banks, have legislated to give tax benefits on FD to encourage savings.
01:03This suggestion has been given in view of the recent decline in the savings deposited in the FD of banks.
01:11Due to this big decline in FD, banks had to face a shortage of funds to give loans.
01:17According to reports, bank representatives have proposed to impose a long-term capital gain tax, i.e. LTCG, on FD on the basis of the income tax slab.
01:32Currently, taxes are imposed on the interest on FD according to the income tax bracket of the investors.
01:39This system encourages the person to invest in low-tax options such as mutual funds instead of a fixed deposit.
01:48Let me explain the whole process through an example.
01:52Suppose a person has a FD of Rs. 10 lakh on an annual interest rate of 8%, then he will get an interest of Rs. 4 lakh in 5 years.
02:02Suppose he comes under the 30% income tax slab, then there is no tax on the FD interest of Rs. 40,000.
02:09But above this limit, he will have to pay tax according to the slab rate.
02:14This means that he will have to pay 30% tax on Rs. 3,60,000.
02:19And this amount will be Rs. 1,08,000 in total.
02:23On the other hand, if LTCG, i.e. Long Term Capital Gain Tax, is applicable on FD, then he will have to pay a tax of 12.5%.
02:33In this way, his total tax will be only Rs. 45,000.
02:37In this way, about Rs. 63,000 will be left for the investors.
02:41So, there are a lot of issues being raised regarding Budget 2025.
02:46A lot of decisions are being taken.
02:48A lot of thinking is being done to reduce the burden on the general public and make them happy with this budget.
02:55What are your expectations regarding this budget?
02:58Give us your expectations in the comment box.
03:00And keep watching Good Returns for such updates.
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