• 2 months ago
हल्द्वानी नगर निगम के भाजपा मेयर प्रत्याशी ने कांग्रेस पर कई गंभीर आरोप लगाए. वहीं कांग्रेस ने निर्दलीय पार्षद प्रत्याशी को पार्टी में शामिल किया.


00:00For the last 10 years, the Indian Inter-Party's Mayor has been here and he has done a lot of work in this Haldwani city with a lot of honesty.
00:09I feel that not every area has been worked in such a way that there is no water, electricity, road, sewer, gas etc.
00:17I feel that in the future, we will work together with your suggestions and proposals to make this Haldwani city more beautiful.
00:28I have not accused the Socialist Party, but the Congress.
00:31I feel that we are not at fault for taking support from anyone.
00:35But the Socialist Party which has been ruled by Ram Bhakts,
00:40the Socialist Party which has been ruled by our mothers and sisters,
00:47the Socialist Party which has been ruled by Masuri Goli,
00:51in which our youths have died,
00:53the Socialist Party which has been ruled by Khatima,
00:58taking support from such a Socialist Party,
01:00I feel that the road to downfall has been opened for the Congress.
01:05And definitely, those people who are writing in their boards,
01:08that if their conscience is alive,
01:11and they consider themselves to be pro-independence,
01:14then they should remove the pro-independence line.
01:17Hema Devi is also a social activist.
01:21And she has been continuously fighting for women's rights.
01:27And for many reasons, she left the Congress.
01:34Today, she has returned home.
01:36And our legendary historian, Meena Devi,
01:39she has also joined the Congress today.
01:44The whole family has joined the Congress.
01:46In this way, our feminist society and women have become very aware.
01:53They know about their rights.
01:56And they also know in whose side they have to stand.
02:02Seeing this, she has joined the Congress today.
02:10And I believe that definitely,
02:14the Congress is for the benefit of the feminist society.
02:19The Congress has done a lot for women,
02:22for the upliftment of the feminist society,
02:24for their progress,
02:25to bring them into the mainstream,
02:27and to keep them ahead in the race for development.
02:32And today, being influenced by this,
02:34she has again expressed her faith in the Congress.
02:37Definitely, your role in the Nagarnika election will be very strong.
02:42And I believe that we will win and move forward.
