• 2 months ago
Menteri Komunikasi dan Digital, Meutya Hafid meresmikan pusat Artificial Intelligence pertama di Indonesia, yang berada di Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Jawa Timur. Kemkomdigi berharap talenta digital nasional meningkat, mengingat di 2030 kebutuhannya diprediksi mencapai 9 juta jiwa.


00:00Indonesia's first artificial intelligence center
00:05For more information,
00:06Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs, Mutia Hafidh,
00:09has inaugurated Indonesia's first artificial intelligence center
00:12at the University of Brawijaya, Malang, East Java.
00:15Yes, KMKOM.DG hopes that the national digital talent
00:18will increase, considering that in 2030,
00:20the need is predicted to reach 9 million people.
00:28Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs, Mutia Hafidh,
00:30has inaugurated Indonesia's first artificial intelligence center
00:35at the University of Brawijaya, Malang, East Java.
00:42Yes, KMKOM.DG hopes that the national digital talent
00:50will increase, considering that in 2030,
00:53the need is predicted to reach 9 million people.
00:58Today, we witness the inauguration of AI Center
01:03at the University of Brawijaya and Data Center.
01:06This is one of the first AI Center in Indonesia.
01:13The Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs
01:15is proud to support and will always support
01:20because we believe that cooperation between the government
01:24and the university will be important
01:27to prepare Indonesia.
01:30Mutia added that the existence of AI Center
01:32at the University of Brawijaya is expected to be followed
01:35by schools or other universities
01:38because this facility can encourage
01:40digital transformation in the country.
01:43From Malang, Stephan Patinama, IDX Channel.
