• 2 months ago


00:00Sir, 7 crore horses have been brought here, it is being said that the price of these horses is 7 crore, what is the speciality of these horses that they are so expensive?
00:09We have brought them from the army, the central government has contacted the state government.
00:14In which 7 lakh horses have come and they have been brought only for the fair.
00:19They are very good, very strong, they do what the rider thinks.
00:24The ration is accepted by the government, 1 kg chickpeas, 2 kg barley, 1 kg corn, 30 gm salt, 100 gm jaggery, 100 gm milk oil, 25 kg green grass, 15 kg dry grass.
00:36This much ration is given to them 3 times in 24 hours, which is in sufficient quantity.
00:42They are given food in sufficient quantity.
00:45Also, we would like to know that what is the speciality of these horses that they are so expensive?
00:51These horses are of bomb-blood, they are of English breed.
00:56This is of American breed, which is called bomb-blood.
01:00They are fighting each other in their game.
01:04There is no other horse that can beat them.
01:07It is being said that there is a chip in the neck of these horses.
01:10Yes, there is a chip in the neck of these horses.
01:13Its contact is with Delhi EFI, Christian Federation of India.
01:18EFI knows that these horses are in Prayagraj Mahakumbh Mela.
01:24Can you tell us its location?
01:26Location? We know where these horses are going.
01:29What is the price of these horses?
01:32The price is decided by the Ministry of Defence.
01:37The price is decided by the Ministry of Defence.
01:39The price is decided by the Ministry of Defence.
01:42The price is 1.5 crore.
01:45The market value of these horses is equal to the value of the racecourse.
01:50These five horses were brought here for 7 lakh rupees.
01:55These five horses were brought here for 7 lakh rupees.
01:58How are they taken care of?
02:00They are taken care of 24 hours a day.
02:04They are given food three times a day.
02:06They are given water six times a day.
02:08They are massaged three times a day.
02:10They are prepared for duty.
02:14These horses are brought here for safety.
02:17Yes, they are brought here for safety.
02:21How fast will they be protected?
02:24They will be protected very fast.
02:27They will not go in a crowd.
02:29They will easily go in a crowd.
02:32What time are they taken out in the morning?
02:34They are taken out at 4 in the morning.
02:36They are taken out at 4 in the morning.
02:39They are taken out at 4 in the morning.
02:41All the horses are taken out for grazing on the day of the racecourse.
02:46They are taken out on the roads and on the fields.
02:50They are given a chip on their neck.
02:52How is it scanned?
02:54A scanner comes and scans the chip.
02:58A camera-type machine scans the chip.
03:01How is the chip put on the neck?
03:03The chip is put in a needle syringe.
03:06We get it from EFI.
03:09The needle is dipped in the needle syringe.
03:15The needle is taken out.
03:17There are details on the horse's hind legs.
03:21The father's name is written in short form.
03:23Some are of Bodhika, some are of Birgatha.
03:26The father's name is written in short form on the thigh.
03:31How is the name written on the thigh?
03:36It is written by the army.
03:39A gas is used to mark the horse.
03:43There is no problem with the horse.
04:05For more information, visit www.fema.gov
