• 2 months ago
मंडी: हिमाचल प्रदेश के मंडी जिले के थमलाह गांव की हीरामणि अपने दैनिक कार्य निपटाने के बाद खाली समय में खड्डी पर कुशलता से अपने हाथ चलाती हैं। अपने इस शौक को हुनर में बदलते हुए उन्होंने हथकरघा क्षेत्र में कई महिलाओं को स्वरोजगार से जोड़ा है। इसमें सहायक बनी हैं हथकरघा को प्रोत्साहन प्रदान करने के लिए संचालित की जा रही प्रदेश सरकार की योजनाएं। इससे स्यांज क्षेत्र की युवतियां सुनहरे भविष्य के सपने साकार करने के साथ ही अपने हुनर से सफलता की नई कहानी लिख रही हैं। हीरामणि ने बताया कि लगभग ढाई दशक से वह घर में खड्डी का काम करती थीं लेकिन साल 2021 में हिमाचल प्रदेश हस्तशिल्प एवं हथकरघा निगम के मंडी स्थित अधिकारियों से मिलने के बाद इस कार्य को व्यावसायिक तौर पर आगे बढ़ाने की सोची। इसके लिए स्यांज बाजार में दुकान किराए पर लेकर काम शुरू किया। निगम द्वारा उन्हें मास्टर ट्रेनर के तौर पर कार्य दिया गया। गांव की 8 महिलाओं को हैंडलूम की एक साल ट्रेनिंग दी। ट्रेनर के तौर पर प्रतिमाह 7500 रुपए भी मिले। प्रशिक्षु महिलाओं को भी निगम द्वारा प्रशिक्षण के दौरान एक खड्डी और 2400 रुपए प्रतिमाह की राशि प्रदान की गई। हीरामणि ने बताया कि आज वह खड्डी व्यवसाय के तहत किन्नौरी व कुल्लू शैली की शॉल व मफलर तैयार करती हैं। इससे वह पंद्रह से बीस हजार रुपए हर महीने कमा रही हैं और परिवार की आर्थिकी में सहयोग कर रही हैं।

#himachalpradesh #mandi #himachalpradeshgovtscheme #himachalgovernment #handloom #hpnews


00:30Oh, I don't need all of it, all of it.
01:00I used to do private work.
01:14I used to work in the private sector, but after joining the government in 2013, I have started
01:29this training.
01:30The Mandi Handloom people told me that I have to work in the government sector, so I have
01:38been running this.
01:39I have been working here for the last 6-7 years, and I have been training the children.
01:46A year ago, I gave training to the children, and I got Rs 7,500 for a month, and Rs 2,400
01:53to teach them.
01:54After that, I gave them the handloom, and they told me that I can work in the private sector
02:01after a month.
02:02My work is going well, and I work in my home.
02:05I thank Mania Sukhi for this kind of scheme.
02:12Our madam, Mrs. Hiramani, told me about the handloom training, and she told me that I
02:22can work in the private sector after a month, and I will get paid for it.
02:38I was paid Rs 2,400 every month.
02:43I learned how to make handloom, and I learned how to make handloom shawls, and I learned
02:49how to make bananas during the training.
02:52After that, I made these handloom pieces, which I sold for myself.
02:58The training that I got was very beneficial for me.
03:02I would like to thank the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Mr. Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu,
03:10who gave me such a good platform to earn money.
03:14I came to work in this handloom in 2021, because I had graduated at this time, and
03:21there was no work during the lockdown, and I had to stay at home in the line of education.
03:27Then I learned this work.
03:29At that time, I had trained for 60 days, and then I started this only for my pocket money.
03:38My father is a single parent, so I started this work so that I can pay my expenses.
03:43I started this work in 2021, and I earn Rs 7,000-8,000 per month, which is good for our expenses.
03:51After this, I came to this training.
03:53It ended on August 1, 2024, and we have also received government funds.
03:59We used to get Rs 2,400 every month, and we used to get separate money for the pieces that
04:05were made.
04:07This scheme was given to us by the handloom market, and it was given to us by Madam Hiramani.
04:14We started training in August last year.
04:17It was for a year, and we used to get Rs 2,400 every month.
04:21This government scheme is good.
04:23It gives employment to domestic women, and their income is good, and their expenses are
04:31And for this, we thank the Himachal government.
04:35The government schemes that promote women should be used by unemployed women who do
04:41not have a source of income.
04:44They should take advantage of this.
