• 2 months ago
नागपुरात एका जोडप्याने लग्नाच्या ड्रेसमध्येच आत्महत्या केल्याची धक्कादायक घटना घडली आहे. आत्महत्येपूर्वी दोघांनी सोशल मिडियावर एक व्हिडिओ शेअर केला आहे.


00:00We got to know at around 7.30pm that a husband and wife had committed suicide in Martin Nagar.
00:09His relatives informed the police.
00:12When I went to the scene, I saw that the husband was Jaril Monkri, 54 years old, and Annie Monkri, 45 years old.
00:23Both of them had committed suicide.
00:26The wife was also in the wedding dress.
00:29When we searched nearby, we found their suicide note.
00:34It said that they had committed suicide.
00:38They also showed us a video on their status,
00:42in which both the husband and wife had made a video that they had committed suicide.
00:47They had posted that photo on their status.
00:50We immediately searched their house and saw their mobile phone.
00:55They had made a video on their mobile phone.
00:58They had made it in 5 hours and 43 minutes.
01:01They had posted it in 5 hours and 47 minutes.
01:04We have seen it.
01:06The wife had learned to cook.
01:08She got married 20 years ago.
01:10She has no children.
01:12Her husband has been unemployed for the last 4-5 years.
01:16He is illiterate.
01:18He works as a chef.
01:20We can see that they had committed suicide due to the situation.
01:23They have committed suicide.
