• 2 months ago
এতদিন রবিশস্যের বীমার আওতায় ন্যূনতম খরচ করতে হত আলুচাষীদের ৷ এবার আগামী মরশুমে সেই খরচও করতে হবে না কৃষকদের ৷


00:00Under the Mangla 600 Bima Yojana, we have registered farmers for the ravee season.
00:09We have also registered for the avalanche season.
00:13We have planned a route for each block.
00:17The farmers who are in the holding area, they will go from there.
00:25Under this Yojana, there will be no premium.
00:28The farmers will have to pay zero amount.
00:31If there is any loss, they will get the damage compensation against their crop.
00:39Is this the first time you are giving potatoes?
00:41Yes, this is the first time.
00:43Last year, we had to pay Rs. 553 per hectare for potatoes.
00:47But this time, the government has issued a notification.
00:50The farmers who are enrolled in this Yojana, they will get the benefits of this Yojana.
01:01What about the people who are taking lease to grow potatoes?
01:06The potatoes will be recorded.
01:09The main objective of the tabloid is that we are registering all the crops grown in the ravee season under the Mangla 600 Bima Yojana.
01:19If the farmers register this Bima Yojana,
01:22then if there is any loss in the crop in the future,
01:25they will get the compensation from the company.
01:28The tabloid has been created to promote this Yojana.
01:33This tabloid will be circulated in all the blocks of Jalpaiguri district, so that the farmers can know about it.
01:39Apart from this, we are promoting this Yojana in various ways.
01:41The tabloid is a medium.
01:43Is this the first time you are giving potatoes?
01:45We had potatoes last year.
01:47But last year, we had to give a premium for potatoes only.
01:50But this year, the government has increased the premium for potatoes as well.
01:54That means, we don't have to give any premium for any crop.
01:59What was the target?
02:01Our target last year was to bring more than 56,000 crops in the total ravee season under this Yojana.
02:10But it was very low in potatoes.
02:12But this year, we are expecting that we will be able to bring more crops in the total ravee season.
02:19And we will be able to reach the expected target of 70,000 crops in the ravee season.
02:25The major area has increased.
02:27Yes, the major area has increased a lot in Jalpaiguri district.
