• 2 months ago
00:00We have heard some stories at the gate that we came on time.
00:05Then somehow they take care of the law and order, do the administrative job, close it
00:09and get everyone's vote.
00:11After that, they finish the voting, seal the machine, seal the battery, make N numbers
00:19of forms, 17C included.
00:23And think, after making 17C, they write it by hand.
00:28After writing, they give the copy to the agent and get it sealed.
00:32Now you imagine, 10.5 lakh booths.
00:37But if 4 agents also agree, then 40 lakh form 17C are available with the agents at close
00:45of poll before leaving polling station.
00:48If we take the case of Maharashtra, there were around 1 lakh booths.
00:51If 4 also agree, then 4 lakh form 17C.
00:55If I circulate a paper among 300-400 people and ask them to return it after an hour,
01:03I will change it.
01:04Can I change it?
01:05Is it possible?
01:07Every candidate of a legislative assembly, by the end of the day, collects form 17C
01:16from his polling agents and knows exactly on which booth how much votes have been cast.
01:46This is not a statutory document.
01:57This is not a statutory document.
02:28is a very, very procedural inbuilt gap.
02:31It will always remain so.
02:33There is nothing wrong in it.
02:34And nobody in what?
02:35Nobody in any exercise can ever tell that if any exercise is stopped at 6, then at 6.15
02:43tell the exact polling percentage.
02:45It is impossible.
02:46Unless it is connected to the net, it is impossible.
02:51Friends, form 17C.
02:54He, slowly, till night, becomes the same aggregate of form 17C.
03:01Anybody can check.
03:03We gave it on a close-up poll.
03:06It will be 11.30-12.
03:08And the next day, we do a scrutiny in which we call observers and candidates.
03:15And many polling parties come late at night.
03:18After doing that, the next day it gets revised and increases by a percentage or so.
03:23So, form 17C is the statutory form.
03:30There is nothing which VTR does not explain.
03:33It explains fully everything.
03:35Coming to the next and the last point.
03:38There was a mismatch in votes polled and votes counted.
03:42An irresponsible...
03:45You see, when it is time for elections, a small piece of news comes.
03:49Somebody says something.
03:51And it misleads people.
03:53An online news channel has published that 5.5 lakh votes were more than VTR.
03:59It did not bother so much that there are no postal ballots in VTR.
04:04As soon as it was brought into their knowledge that there are no postal ballots,
04:08they drew up a news story.
04:11But the damage was done.
04:14Everybody was shocked that 5.5 lakh votes were more than VTR.
04:17Why does this happen? I will tell you today.
04:20It has a standard protocol.
04:23It is a written standard protocol.
04:25And as I showed you the book,
04:27there are 70 detailed guidelines available on our website.
04:50So, if a machine is not switched on,
04:55if a machine has a mismatch,
04:58if a machine is switched on incorrectly,