• 2 months ago


00:00of elections globally.
00:02For a one-way elections way, democracies
00:05may all or almost 2 3rd of the population
00:08in the democratic world went for voting.
00:12How about it?
00:13I'll be doing a job with me.
00:14Art, Roger, you tease me elections
00:17with general election one.
00:19It's a model.
00:22Nike, Timon, Lok Sabha elections,
00:25which may maximum, uh, voting, uh, percentage
00:28got a good one, uh, local, uh, violence, free elections,
00:36uh, no reports, the court seizures,
00:39inducement free to the extent this was possible.
00:42JNK, money poor, uh, LWE areas.
00:47So coffee records money.
00:49I'm with you.
00:50I mean, I can't even listen to me.
00:52He is a precaution.
00:53Look, I'm from a group that I had got.
00:57Another landmark is in the making.
00:59I do calamity electoral rolls.
01:03Release we ought to be charged a statement.
01:05He's already here.
01:07We are crossing 99 crores voters.
01:12So we are going to be 1 billion voters very soon.
01:15Nation of 1 billion voters very soon.
01:17That's another world record, which is in making.
01:20But with this SSR, after the declaration
01:24by the state of UP, Rajasthan, Punjab, and Bihar,
01:28which will be declaring their SSR results today,
01:32we'll be crossing 99 crores first time.
01:36My low key Sankhya be 48 crores, which is a very, very, very,
01:43very, very strong indicator, a sense of empowerment
01:46for the women of the country.
01:49I mean, you can see the entire country in Delhi.
02:02But a big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big,
02:08big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big,
02:12big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big,
02:15big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big,
02:18big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big,
02:21big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big,
02:24big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big,
02:29I'm coming to a little serious issue, serious issues.
02:37And I'll take some time before I come
02:40to the daily specific issues.
02:46So prior to coming to daily elections, let me on my own tell you what kind of,
03:05what kind of concerns were raised.
03:08And I'll narrate all these concerns and also before coming to Delhi,
03:12I'll try and answer on each one of them so that no doubts remain.
03:42I'll try and answer on each one of them so that no doubts remain.
04:12I'll try and answer on each one of them so that no doubts remain.
04:42You can ask me further questions if you want.
04:44And these questions do not come again election after election.
04:48There was a mismatch in the voters.
04:51All the votes were increased.
04:54So this was the voter turnout.
04:56Then there was a mismatch in the counting.
04:58Some counted less, some counted more.
