• 2 months ago
सहारनपुर आज भी अपने भीतर अतीत के इतिहास को संजोए हुए है. यहां विभिन्न शासकों का राज रहा है. जिनमें शाहजहां की दास्तां अनोखी है.


00:00Shah Jahan's rule lasted from 1628 to 1658
00:08In the meantime
00:12Shah Jahan had come to Saharanpur to meet Baba Lal Das ji
00:21The area where his army was stationed was called Badshahi Bagh
00:27From that area, you can see the hills of Shivalik
00:42And Yamuna river
00:45And nature all around
00:47It was a panoramic view
00:51Shah Jahan was very impressed by this
00:53He found it a very good place
00:55And he considered that place as a good place for hunting
00:59In his army
01:04There was a Kurdish commander, Ali Mardan Khan
01:08Who was the governor of Kabul
01:15And Shahabbaz Partham was the commander of the white army of Afghanistan
01:24Later on, he stayed in the court of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan
01:32And Shah Jahan had given him the highest honor of the army
01:38So Ali Mardan Khan had this building built
01:47Which is called a palace
01:49The palace is called a palace because
01:52His wives liked it
01:55And his wife came here with Shah Jahan
02:00But there was a shortage of iodine in that area
02:04So the women in that area
02:07All of them had swollen throats
02:09Because of the shortage of iodine
02:12So they asked, what is this?
02:14They said, whatever lives here, swells like this
02:17This area is like a desert
02:20So she got scared and left
02:23So this building was used as a hunting ground
02:27And it was called the hunting ground of Shah Jahan
02:31The truth is that
02:33This was built for Shah Jahan by his commander, Ali Mardan Khan
