• 2 months ago
A round robin is an easy way to place multiple parlays at once. When you place a round robin, you’re placing individual bets on every possible parlay combination within the selected wagers. You don’t have to win all the parlays to win the round robin.

To place a round robin, just add 3 or more selections to your betslip and go to the Round Robin tab. Here, you’ll see the bets broken down By 2’s, By 3’s, and so on. These indicate the number of selections in each individual parlay you’re placing.

Example: If you’re betting on teams A, B, and C to win outright, you’ll have two round robin options available. Your By 2’s option includes all possible 2-team parlays for these three wagers (A+B, B+C, and A+C). And your By 3’s option includes all possible 3-team parlays on these 3 wagers (A+B+C). If you bet $30 on the By 2’s option, that money will be split evenly among the 2-team parlays ($10 on each of the 3 wagers).

You can add up to 24 legs to your round robin. The more legs you add, the more combinations you can create.

Reminder: Selections with the same game (i.e. side/total/prop) cannot be combined.

Example: If you are betting on six teams to win outright, you’ll have the option to bet By 2’s, By 3’s, By 4’s, By 5’s, or a traditional 6-leg parlay.
By 2’s = 15 possible 2-leg parlays
By 3’s = 20 possible 3-leg parlays
By 4’s = 15 possible 4-leg parlays
By 5’s = 6 possible 5-leg parlays


