"Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl" is a 2024 stop-motion animated film directed by Nick Park and Merlin Crossingham. This feature marks the return of the beloved inventor and his loyal canine companion as they face off against their old adversary, Feathers McGraw, the silent and cunning penguin villain from "The Wrong Trousers."
In this new adventure, Wallace creates an intelligent garden gnome named Norbot. However, Feathers McGraw hacks into Norbot's system, turning it into an instrument of revenge against Wallace and Gromit. As chaos ensues, Gromit must once again step up to save the day, navigating a series of humorous and perilous situations to thwart Feathers' nefarious plans.
In this new adventure, Wallace creates an intelligent garden gnome named Norbot. However, Feathers McGraw hacks into Norbot's system, turning it into an instrument of revenge against Wallace and Gromit. As chaos ensues, Gromit must once again step up to save the day, navigating a series of humorous and perilous situations to thwart Feathers' nefarious plans.