• last year
"Bibi Rajni" (2024) is a Punjabi-language historical drama that recounts the life of Rajni, a devout Sikh woman from the era of Guru Ram Das. Directed by Amar Hundal, the film is based on a Sikh legend highlighting Rajni's unwavering faith in Waheguru (God).

Rajni, the youngest daughter of a wealthy revenue collector, Rai Duni Chand, faces her father's anger due to her devotion to Sikh teachings. As a form of punishment, he marries her off to a man afflicted with leprosy. Despite these hardships, Rajni remains devoted to both her husband and her faith. One day, while begging for alms, her husband bathes in a miraculous pool and is cured of his illness. Initially skeptical, Rajni is convinced of the divine intervention when she sees only one finger of her husband's still bearing the disease. The couple then seek the blessings of Guru Ram Das, deepening Rajni’s belief in the power of devotion and faith.
