• 2 months ago
Bir Yemin Ettim – Episode 36 English Subtitles
01:51It's it it's it dude it's it do
03:32Ah canım benim kıyamam ben sana ağlama bir tanem bak biz buradayız
03:38Haneciğim bak bakayım bana bir şey mi oldu bir tanem niye bağırıyorsun?
03:45Evet özgeciğim ne oldu bir tanem anlat hadi bize
03:55Özgeciğim bize güvenebilirsin bir tanem ne üzdü seni bu kadar anlat hadi
04:02Siz de onlar gibi kavga ediyordunuz
04:08Açlıyım kimler gibi annemle babam gibi
04:18Özgeciğim biz kavga etmiyorduk ki bir tanem konuşuyorduk sadece
04:23Ece ablam doğru söylüyor biz kavga etmiyorduk sadece iş hakkında bir şey tartışıyorduk
04:30Hayır gördüm ben kavga ediyordunuz onlar gibi
04:41Kavga etmeyin evin abla çok korkuyorum ben
04:47Canım benim
04:58Bora oğlum
05:01Ne bu senet abla
05:03Ben esnaf mıyım he senet sebepten ne anlarım bu nasıl bir teklif ya
05:09E iyi ki sen diyorsun Mehbar abla biz esnaf arkadaşlar öyle her gelene para vermiyoruz hani verince de kendimizi garantiye alıyoruz
05:19Haklısın haklısın da
05:22Valla niye yalan söyleyeyim çok kırıldım sana
05:27Yakında annen olacağım ben senin ya insan annesine böyle bir teklifte bulunur mu?
05:36Şaka yaptın değil mi he anladım ya şaka yapıyorsun sen ciddi değilsin
05:41Yo ciddiyim
05:49Valla şok oldum ben
05:51Seher duysa var ya arkasına bakmadan gider bir daha senin yüzüne bile bakmaz
05:58Mehbar abla
06:00Seherle ilişkimiz bir resmiyete dökülsün Seher bir imzayı atsın ben o zaman bu senediyi tıpatacağım sen merak etme
06:10Bunun başka yol yordamı yok mu yani
06:21Söylediler ya
06:23Canım sıkıldığında ben ne yaparım biliyor musun?
06:25Muzlu süt
06:27Başka kim seviyormuş muzlu süt
06:31Hadi gidip özgeye muzlu süt yapalım
07:17Is his name Sevimli?
07:19He has such a sweet name.
07:21Once, we went to the amusement park with Özge.
07:25She liked it there when she saw Sevimli.
07:28Her uncle made a bet and won.
07:31Of course, back then his name wasn't Sevimli.
07:33We named him. Right, uncle?
07:36I have an idea.
07:38Shall we dream together?
07:41We used to play when we were kids. My father used to make us play.
07:45We'll do it like this.
07:47We'll close our eyes and think about where we want to be at that moment.
07:53You go first. Close your eyes.
07:57Why me? Why me?
07:59Come on.
08:01Okay, okay.
08:02Let's close our eyes.
08:07Then I'll be with the person I want to be with the most.
08:12With the sunflower.
08:14We ride a bike under the trees in such a sunny weather.
08:22What do you say?
08:24Shall we ride a bike together?
08:27Then it's my turn.
08:30I'm on a boat in the middle of a blue sea.
08:35I watch the suns from the boat. They jump and jump.
08:38Then I jump next to them. We watch together.
08:41Do I exist?
08:43Of course you do. I'll never forget you.
08:47Does my uncle exist?
08:51Your uncle...
08:54I mean...
08:55Your uncle exists, too, Özge.
08:58Now it's your turn to dream. Where are you?
09:03We're in the forest.
09:06We camp together.
09:11Your parents are there, too, right?
09:13No, they're not there. You are.
09:21I wish my dream came true.
09:25Kerim, what's going on here?
09:38I know you're my son.
09:40I didn't ask for your help, but...
09:43You want me to pay off my debt.
09:46How can you make such an offer?
09:48I'm a little guarantor. This is a small procedure.
09:55If Vehsel hears about this, he'll die of despair.
09:59Did you hear that?
10:01I'm a little guarantor.
10:04I'm a little guarantor.
10:06I'm a little guarantor.
10:08Okay, let's say I signed this.
10:11If you give up on my daughter and your heart is cold,
10:16what will happen then?
10:18Are you going to put this into operation right away?
10:20How can I pay off all that debt?
10:23How can I pay it off?
10:25Mehbar, don't think of it as debt.
10:28Take this, do your job.
10:30I'll tear this contract when we put it into effect in the morning.
10:34I promise.
10:47As you can see, we're playing with Özge.
10:52I'm going to the bathroom.
11:00Ece, can you leave us alone?
11:03Of course.
11:12What does this mean, son?
11:14It wasn't enough for you to work hard.
11:17Are you going to the camp now?
11:20Mom, don't.
11:21We're doing this to make Özge happy.
11:24Don't bring this to any other place.
11:27Then you'll be misunderstood. Don't make things worse.
11:31Mom, that's enough.
11:34We're trying to make her happy by doing what her parents couldn't do.
11:39She knows why she's here.
11:42And she's doing everything she can.
11:45I think she's doing more than she can.
11:48You've been together a lot lately.
11:51That girl is always with you.
11:54I'm sure you're happy about that.
11:56Mom, okay.
11:59You may have forgotten.
12:01Let me remind you.
12:03That girl is the daughter of the man who took her father from us.
12:29Yasemin, what's going on?
12:32Nothing's going on, mom.
12:34That's the problem.
12:36Thanks to you, there's nothing going on between me and Kerim.
12:39Because my family doesn't see me as an adult woman.
12:42Kerim invited me to stay at the mansion, but I had to refuse.
12:46It's embarrassing.
12:48Do you realize how inappropriate this offer is?
12:53We both love each other.
12:55Why can't I stay at the house of the man I love?
12:57Do you hear what you're saying?
13:00What kind of comfort is this?
13:02I've been living alone abroad for years.
13:05Now I'm getting permission to meet the man I love.
13:08Let me go.
13:10What do you mean, let me go?
13:12Okay, then I'll tell you in a more polite way.
13:16Leave me alone, mom. You're getting on my nerves.
13:19We can't leave her. We didn't find her on the street.
13:25Look, I'm sorry, but I have to tell you, Yasemin.
13:28I think you're misinterpreting Kerim's feelings.
13:31What does that mean?
13:33I'm not sure if Kerim feeds you the same feelings.
13:36You've lost a lot of yourself lately, baby.
13:39I think it felt like you were becoming a bride to yourself.
13:44I'm saying this for you, baby.
13:46I don't want you to be upset later.
13:49Did you decide to upset me now so I wouldn't be upset later?
13:51Do you hear what you're saying?
13:53How can you say that to your own daughter?
13:56Sometimes I really doubt that you're my mother.
14:17I think Mrs. Deman was upset.
14:19Did something happen?
14:21Nothing happened.
14:23She was worried about her grandson.
14:25Mrs. Deman was right to be worried.
14:27First of all, we need to provide peace at home.
14:30We did a lot of similar work at school.
14:34Özge had a big accident.
14:37He lost his grandfather.
14:39He needs a home full of peace and love right now.
14:43But unfortunately, he's in a mansion.
14:46The weather is ready to change at any moment.
14:48If we don't intervene,
14:51I'm sorry, if you don't intervene,
14:53his trauma will be fractured.
14:56It can even affect his character development.
15:00I understand.
15:02From now on, whatever needs to be done for Özge's happiness will be done in this house.
15:05I'll talk to my sister about this.
15:08That would be great.
15:10But it's a little unfair to just rely on your mother.
15:14They say you need a village to raise a child.
15:18Her father, Mrs. Deman,
15:21all the people in the house should do their best.
15:23Özge should feel loved.
15:25Spending quality time with her family,
15:28doing the activities she loves may be good for her.
15:34You've been together a lot lately.
15:37That girl is always by your side.
15:40I'm sure you're very happy about that.
15:43Uncle, will we really go to the camp tomorrow?
16:01Where's Beste, mom? Didn't you tell her I wanted to talk to her?
16:08Of course I did.
16:09Of course I did.
16:11I came running when I heard our Sultan's order.
16:17Okay, okay, I'm hanging up. What is it?
16:20Sister, what is the most important thing in our lives right now?
16:35What did I just say?
16:37Özge, sister.
16:40Right now, our most important issue is Özge.
16:43She's getting worse after the accident.
16:46We have to do whatever we can to make her feel better.
16:49My daughter is not sick.
16:53She's just a little shaken up.
16:55She'll get over it in time.
16:58It's not enough that you treat me like a patient.
17:01Now it's my daughter's turn?
17:03Sister, look.
17:05Özge's situation doesn't seem like it's going to pass over time.
17:10We need to pay all our attention to Özge right now.
17:13Especially as a mother.
17:15Am I being accused of being an uninterested mother now?
17:18I didn't say anything like that, sister.
17:20My daughter thinks about her brother's niece.
17:24Why are you acting like this?
17:28Sister, my intention is not to question your motherhood.
17:31I think the best for Özge.
17:33Ecrin already told me that Özge needs to live in a peaceful environment.
17:37You're not enough.
17:39Is that girl going to try to teach me motherhood now?
17:42I'm going crazy.
17:44I'm sorry, but the cause of this family's crisis and Özge's trauma is that girl and her father.
17:52As if what her father did was not enough,
17:55is she going to try to give me advice now?
17:57Enough, sister. Enough.
17:59Edrin, I'm here because I want it that way.
18:02My first niece, who is the subject of conversation right now, is the soul of your first daughter.
18:07Edrin is also an expert on this subject.
18:09That's why, until this sensitive period is over, whatever Edrin wants will be done.
18:13Do you understand?
18:15There are other experts who can help Özge, son.
18:18But Özge doesn't want anyone else, mom.
18:22I think I understand.
18:25I'm not going to talk about this again.
18:27Everyone will do whatever they can for Özge.
18:32Yes, commander.
18:35Is this a joke?
18:54Why is it open?
19:03Come Edrin, come.
19:18Tell me.
19:22Good, good.
19:25Özge is better.
19:27She calmed down a bit.
19:28She's playing with her toys now.
19:31Don't worry.
19:35Edrin, have you recently joined the system?
19:39I mean, I joined yesterday, but why did you ask?
19:46Anyway, we have more important issues now.
19:50When Özge was telling her dream,
19:53I saw her eyes shine like this for the first time since the accident.
19:55Isn't it?
19:57Your excitement is a good sign.
19:59She came to me several times today and asked when we would go.
20:03Maybe one day you will go together.
20:21The news is good.
20:23It depends on the interview.
20:28He gave up the investment he would make in Kerem's company.
20:32Of course, this is a good sign for me.
20:35But I don't know if it's for you.
20:37Because there may not be a company I will work for soon.
20:46If you say we have reached the result,
20:48but I didn't expect it to be this fast.
20:53I've been working on my plan for years to take over the holding.
20:59Do you think Ismail convinced himself to withdraw his investment support?
21:08Of course, now you are in your own trouble.
21:11Don't worry.
21:13We will adjust the position suitable for you in our company.
21:16We won't leave it open.
21:27Mine is over.
21:30Super, just like you said.
21:33But mine is not over yet, don't look.
21:36Okay, I won't look.
21:39Can you give me the brown one?
21:42Take it, what are you going to do with it?
21:45You'll see.
21:53Eren, mine is over.
21:56Özge, what a beautiful picture.
22:00Now I understand why you wanted the brown paint.
22:04You wanted it for the bear that came to the camp.
22:07What will the bear do in the camp?
22:11He came to eat the sweets left in the camp.
22:15You are right.
22:17He came to eat the sweets left in the camp.
22:23You know, we love each other very much.
22:26That's why hearts come out of our eyes.
22:30How is it? It's beautiful, isn't it?
22:33It's beautiful, honey.
22:35I loved it.
22:37Let's show it to uncle.
22:40But honey, now uncle has things to do.
22:44What is my beautiful grandson doing?
22:49We made a lot of beautiful pictures, grandma.
22:52Well done, honey.
22:54Come on, make one for your grandma.
23:08I know you trust Kerim to be your supporter.
23:12But I don't think it's appropriate for you to look after my grandson.
23:17Özge grew up in a certain discipline.
23:20It would be good if this discipline remained after you left here.
23:31Özge, let's continue.
23:41Let's continue.
23:57Aunt Yaman.
23:59I'm sorry, I'm calling at this hour, but something came to my mind.
24:04You were painting, weren't you?
24:07Kerim mentioned it.
24:09You took a lesson from a famous painter.
24:16Özge has been interested in painting lately.
24:19If so, let her take a lesson from her master, right?
24:23If you don't mind, can you teach Özge?
24:26Well, painting is different, teaching is different.
24:31You're a talented girl, you can do it, honey.
24:35Besides, Özge will take the wrong people as role models.
24:39I prefer to take an example from someone who has a good family discipline like you.
24:45Aunt Yaman, you honored me.
24:48You know I can't break you.
24:53Then I'll be waiting tomorrow.
24:55Okay, bye.
25:05Yigit, look at your brother-in-law.
25:08What organic ideas he told me.
25:11If we say 30 eggs for 15 liras each, would it cost you 450 liras?
25:17Very good money.
25:19I wonder if it's up to the weight of the milk.
25:22Let me see.
25:27Is our yellow red milk so valuable?
25:31It's a very profitable business.
25:34I mean, butter, milk, yogurt.
25:39I can't afford it.
25:42But I have to call my dad.
25:50Tell me, dear, what happened?
25:52Daddy, how much did you pay for the butter?
25:55What's up, dear? Do you need butter?
25:57I need it, daddy, I need it. I need it a lot.
26:00There's something on my mind.
26:02What's on your mind? Tell me.
26:04Daddy, you know Istanbul is a big city.
26:07It's almost a thousand times bigger than our village.
26:09I say, if you send me organic products, I'll sell them there.
26:13I'll make money.
26:15And by the way, I'll get more than what you sell there.
26:19What do you say?
26:21My daughter, yesterday one, today two.
26:23I sent you there to study, not to trade.
26:25You're not hungry, you're not hungry.
26:27If you need it, tell me, I'll solve it.
26:29You concentrate on your lessons, don't think about the rest.
26:30Daddy, you say it's good, but I want to stand on my own feet now.
26:34I mean, I'll just sell and make money.
26:37And it won't hurt my school at all.
26:39You know I'm studying business administration.
26:41And it's a slow learning process.
26:44Come on, tell me, how much do you pay for the butter?
26:46The weight is 1,100 TL.
26:48Look, I'll send the product, but I don't get a penny out of my pocket.
26:51According to him.
26:53Okay, daddy, I won't let you get your hands in your pocket.
26:56Just send me those products.
26:57And take good care of the yellow girl.
26:59Come on, good luck, what should I say?
27:01I'm telling you again, priority is your school.
27:03Or you'll change your minds.
27:05Okay, daddy, I won't let you down.
27:12The weight is 1,100 TL.
27:15If it were 5 kilos, would it cost you 5,500 liras?
27:20I'll be a billionaire in two years.
27:24How dare you, Tekin?
27:26Do you leave us alone when we tell you that we need you?
27:30Don't shout!
27:32You're gonna get him up.
27:34Don't act like he's sick.
27:36He's sick, isn't he?
27:38He's sick.
27:40You made me sick, you!
27:42God damn it!
27:44My dear, what's going on?
27:46You made me sick!
27:48I'm sick of you, I'm sick of you!
27:50That's enough!
27:52Get out, get out!
27:54Get out of this house!
28:11My dear.
28:18My dear.
28:20What happened? Did he fall?
28:22My dear, tell me, what happened?
28:25Are you okay, my dear?
28:27Come on, tell me what happened to your uncle.
28:32They're fighting! They're fighting again!
28:39His voice was as loud as a horn.
28:42Özge, Özge, look at me.
28:45Look at me.
28:47It'll pass, okay? It's okay.
28:48It's okay. Now open your ears for me.
28:51Look, I'm going to tell you something.
28:53Then you can turn it off again if you want, okay?
28:55Come on, princess.
28:57Open your ears. Open, open, open.
29:00You're safe, look.
29:02I'm here. There's nothing to be afraid of.
29:04I have Ecin.
29:07If you're okay, I have a surprise for you.
29:10There's nothing to be afraid of. Everything's fine.
29:13Do you remember?
29:15We talked about camping together.
29:19I arranged everything, you know?
29:22Come on, get up.
29:31Yes, my dear uncle. Really.
29:33In fact, everything is in front of my room right now.
29:36And look, maybe there's something missing.
29:39Something I forgot.
29:41In fact, if you want, let's look together. Come on.
29:42Come on.
29:44Come on, run. I'm coming too.
29:46Run, let's see where you go. Look.
30:16Where did you get all this money?
30:19I borrowed it.
30:24Who gave you all this money?
30:27I took it from whoever I got it from.
30:29Don't ask me why I'm upset.
30:31Mom, what do you mean don't ask?
30:33Who? At least tell me who I know.
30:37Girl, what if you know him, what if you don't know him?
30:38What if you don't know him, what if you don't know him?
30:40You have a debt to the good, you have a debt to the good.
30:42Here's your debt. It's closed.
30:44Mom, how are we going to pay this?
30:46Is it closed with debt? What did you do?
30:48Did you lose your mind?
30:50That's what I said, too.
30:54You should have thought of this before you threatened me.
30:56You said find the money, I found it.
30:58Don't extend it anymore.
31:00I'm already angry.
31:02Now I'm going to get it out of you.
31:04I was going to get water.
31:06Water in the kitchen.
31:08What do you want?
31:10Go get it.
31:12Is there anyone who wants water while standing?
31:14Bring it, bring it.
31:16I'm burning inside.
31:18It would be nice if I drank it.
31:20Bring it, girl.
31:24Mom, look.
31:26Okay, I mean, I was very hard on you.
31:30But you know what you're doing.
31:33I'm sorry.
31:35I can't listen to you at all.
31:36Don't tire yourself.
31:38I already have a headache.
31:40Look, the money is there. Take it.
32:06I'm burning inside.
32:08Enjoy your meal.
32:10Aunt, if you don't get it wrong.
32:12I get it wrong.
32:14Don't say anything.
32:16I'm going to bed.
32:18Good night to you.
32:31Are you happy?
32:33A lot.
32:34I drew this camper picture.
32:36Let me show you.
32:38I don't think we have it, Özge.
32:40You can show it to your uncle later.
32:43Don't worry, let's see.
32:47Look, it's here.
32:53Uncle, look.
32:55Is it beautiful?
33:09You're so funny.
33:12It's beautiful.
33:14I loved it.
33:16Uncle, do you know why this bear came to the camp?
33:19Why did he come?
33:21He came to eat the sweets left in the camp.
33:24And there was a very nice dessert in our camp.
33:29Eat it, sister.
33:31You'll miss it.
33:32He's going to kiss you.
33:47What are you doing?
33:50How can you eat in the dark?
33:52I'm so hungry.
33:54I don't know if it's light or dark.
33:56Are you hungry?
33:58Let me give you some.
34:02I couldn't sleep.
34:06I came to drink water.
34:09Did you like it?
34:12It's great.
34:14What did you put in it?
34:16It's great, thank you.
34:18The bread and cheese of our village.
34:22It's so good.
34:24Seher, we haven't talked since we got here.
34:27We'll talk.
34:29How are you?
34:31Why didn't you sleep?
34:33Did you put me to sleep?
34:35Because of work.
34:39I know you're studying. Are you working?
34:41Seher, I opened an online page.
34:44It took a lot of effort, but it was worth it.
34:46I'm going to sell organic products.
34:48That's great.
34:50It's like cheese and bread.
34:54I hope so.
34:56But I didn't come up with the idea.
34:57It's my idea.
35:03I'll eat the rest later.
35:05Good night.
35:09What did I say?
35:15Come on, princess.
35:17It's time to sleep.
35:24Do you want a fairy tale, princess?
35:27Yes, but your uncle should read it.
35:29Okay, your uncle should read it.
35:31But your uncle should read it in the tent.
35:33It's a little cold.
35:36Okay, your uncle should read it.
35:45Come on.
35:47Come this way.
35:50Come this way.
35:52I'll lie down like this.
35:56Dear princess, are you ready?
36:01I'm starting.
36:06Once upon a time, there was a handsome prince and a beautiful princess living in two neighboring countries.
36:25I don't think I can do this fairy tale thing.
36:28No, you're doing great.
36:31Yes, uncle, go on.
36:33I'm going on.
36:36One day, the prince and the princess met in a big mess.
36:43As soon as they saw each other, they fell in love.
36:48At first sight?
36:53Yes, princess.
36:55At first sight.
36:59As time went by, the prince and the princess, who were in love with each other, decided to get married.
37:07But the prince of the dark forest, the evil witch, who was obsessed with black love, was planning to prevent this marriage.
37:20Ozge, come on, close your eyes, or you won't be able to sleep.
37:29But the evil witch didn't know that there was a sweet little fairy who sealed the hearts of the prince and the princess.
37:37Thanks to this fairy, the prince and the princess, despite this witch...
37:55What happened?
37:59I think she's asleep.
38:07Let's put this on.
38:38I was so happy to see the tent.
38:49So many things have changed since you came to the mansion.
38:58Most importantly, everyone...
39:07I mean, you look good in it.
39:13I mean, Ozge and I have a very different, very strong bond.
39:20I don't want her to be sad at all. I want her to be happy all the time.
39:28I think you're cold.
39:30If you want, you can go inside. I'll wait.
39:33No, no. I don't want to leave Ozge alone.
39:38If he doesn't see me when he wakes up in the morning, his confidence will be shaken.
39:42I don't want to shake his confidence.
39:45Well, at least accept it.
39:50But you're going to be cold.
39:53I'm not cold.
39:58Yes, I think it's better. I'm more comfortable, too.
40:10Oh, look, the star slipped. Hold the wish quickly.
40:15Honestly, I couldn't see it. So the wish is yours.
40:25Did you hold it?
40:36I did. But I can't tell you. Because if I do, it won't come true.
41:24I don't know.
41:54I learned it on TV.
42:18Are you going out?
42:20Yes, I'm going out. I'm going to close that account now.
42:23Seher, come here. I have something to tell you. Sit here.
42:27What are you going to say, mom? I'm in a hurry.
42:30I'm saying...
42:33What are you saying? I don't understand.
42:37I'm saying, let's invest this money in interest.
42:41Mom, don't start. For God's sake.
42:43Let me go and pay this debt. We'll think about the new debt later.
42:47I'm not going to try. I'm going to pay.
42:49I'm not going to try. I'm going to pay. Why don't you understand?
42:53Don't you hear me?
42:59Who did she fall for? Why is she so stupid?
43:05Good morning. Seher, good morning.
43:09Good morning.
43:11I'm going to school. Shall we walk together?
43:13We're already walking.
43:15Where are you going? To Uncle Yiğit?
43:17When did you meet Yiğit?
43:20When you went to dinner, he came to ask about you.
43:24That's when we met.
43:26He's a nice guy. He seems to be in love with you.
43:29We broke up with Yiğit.
43:32I didn't know. I was surprised.
43:35Don't worry. Everything will be fine.
43:38What did you do about this organic product?
43:40Are you going to sell it online? Isn't there any tax?
43:43Of course, there is.
43:45Actually, I have a dream of opening an organic cafe.
43:48Think about it, Seher.
43:50From tomatoes to soup, from cheese to bread, everything is natural.
43:55But of course, you need a capital for this.
43:57I hope you open it.
43:59I'm unlucky, too.
44:01Otherwise, I would give it to you.
44:03It's enough for you to think about it, Seher.
44:05But I will open that cafe no matter what.
44:07If necessary, I will take out a loan and open it again.
44:09Well done, girl.
44:10Then I'm going to school. You stay.
44:13Say hi to Uncle Yiğit.
44:15See you tonight.
44:17See you.
44:30Yiğit, can we talk?
44:40Yiğit, listen to me, please.
44:42Why don't you believe me?
44:47What I see is enough for me.
44:50Is that what you see?
44:52I saw you with Yeliz. Should I believe you?
44:58You already believed me.
45:00Didn't I believe you?
45:02I don't have anything on me.
45:04Yiğit, you didn't give me a convincing explanation about Yeliz.
45:08When it comes to Bora,
45:10I have nothing to do with her.
45:19Look at us.
45:23What are we talking about?
45:27We make each other look good with others.
45:34Look, Seher.
45:36Look, Seher.
45:38Let's admit it.
45:40We are both at fault.
45:45we need to take a break from the relationship.
45:54We need to sit down and think about the mistakes we've made.
45:58So let's take a break from the relationship.
46:00Maybe we need to turn a page from scratch.
46:03We can start over as old friends.
46:08Let's take a break, okay?
46:13As you wish.
46:14Let's take a break.
46:23I brought your money.
46:26I don't want it.
46:27If you borrowed it from someone, give it back.
46:28Give it back.
46:30I borrowed it from you to give it to you.
46:34I said I don't want it.
46:40Then I'll take it to Aunt Neriman.
46:44I said don't, right?
46:46Don't get my mother involved in this.
46:49You took that money from your ex-boyfriend.
46:52You don't have an ex-boyfriend in front of you.
46:55You have a new friend, okay?
46:56So it's over.
47:24This is it.
47:27I'm coming, Kerim.
47:34How is it?
47:39What are you talking about, mom?
47:40Is it just nice?
47:43Are you calling me mom now?
47:45You talk as if nothing happened, Yasemin.
47:48You're confusing me, too.
47:51After what you said yesterday,
47:53I'm waiting for an apology from you.
47:54Okay, I'm sorry.
47:56You've grown up.
47:59Where are you going?
48:01To Kerimler.
48:02Aunt Neriman invited me for coffee.
48:06Look, my beautiful girl.
48:08She's coming.
48:10Mom, please don't say anything that will upset me.
48:14You may still see me as a little girl.
48:17But I'm a young woman who can make her own decisions.
48:21I'm a grown-up woman now.
48:23You don't have to try to protect me from the man I love.
48:27And I'm going to get married soon, mom.
48:30I mean, I'm considered your future son-in-law.
48:42I'm not trying to protect you from Kerim.
48:44I'm trying to protect you from yourself.
48:47We were supposed to take a break from the relationship.
48:50We were supposed to open a new page.
48:53Let's give it a try.
48:55Let's open a new notebook, my friend Yiğit.
49:01Aunt Neriman.
49:04Aunt Neriman.
49:07Aunt Neriman, I brought your money.
49:32Hello, how are you?
49:33Are you okay?
49:34I'm fine, Bora.
49:37I'm fine, too.
49:38Thank you so much.
49:39What a coincidence.
49:40If you have time, let's have a drink.
49:43Or let's eat something.
49:44What do you say?
49:45I couldn't eat last time.
49:46I'm in trouble.
49:48No, Bora.
49:49I'm not hungry.
49:52Well, if the problem is Mehpare, I'll call her.
49:54I'll take care of it.
49:55She'll let me know what's going on.
49:56No, don't call my mom.
49:58I have work to do.
49:59That's why.
50:01Then shall we eat ice cream?
50:03Look, you love cherry ice cream.
50:05Bora, I don't want to eat.
50:09Then you can't say no to dessert.
50:12Shall we bury one like this?
50:14Look, I'll have Mehpare do it, too.
50:15Five kilos.
50:17She'll love it.
50:18Let's not bury it, Bora.
50:20Let's not bury it in ice cream.
50:21Let's not eat it.
50:22My dear doesn't want it.
50:23I don't want to do anything.
50:24I just want to go home, Bora.
50:28I mean, there's an offer, there's no insistence, of course.
50:30But let's do it another time, okay?
50:33Let's not interrupt, Seher.
50:35There's an offer, there's no insistence.
50:37May God give you a wise mind.
50:40I wonder if Naz is doing it.
50:42Say hi to your mother.
50:45He insisted on knocking on the door.
50:48When he couldn't open it, he left.
50:51I'm sorry for you.
50:52I had a hard time not to say I was here.
50:54And why did you tell me something like that, son?
50:57It had to be, mom.
50:58What do you mean, it had to be?
51:00I saved that money for you.
51:02And we don't have a place to hide, you know.
51:04And the girl brought it to the door.
51:07I don't understand why we didn't take it.
51:08Mom, please.
51:09Son, look.
51:11I love Seher.
51:12But you know that witch who's going to be her mother.
51:15Let the devil see her face.
51:17And I didn't forget what they did to you.
51:19Oh, as soon as I remembered your name, my brain started to get loose.
51:22Okay, okay.
51:25Okay, let's close the subject now.
51:27And what did you say just now?
51:29I saved that money for you, didn't I?
51:32You gave it to me.
51:33I gave it to Seher.
51:35I don't want Seher to divorce anyone, mom.
51:36I don't want Seher to divorce anyone, mom.
51:38Suppose we got married and divorced.
51:40Seher says halal.
51:42I said halal.
51:44You say halal, okay?
51:47If you say that, there must be something you know.
51:51You're welcome.
52:07What's going on, Müjde?
52:11Nothing's going on, Faruk.
52:13You're always the same.
52:15Yasemin is upset with you again.
52:17Even when this girl was in puberty, I didn't have this much trouble, Faruk.
52:22We can't get along anymore.
52:23She's definitely not listening to me.
52:28Sometimes she said to me, I suspect she's my mother.
52:31Can you imagine, Faruk?
52:34I'm so broken.
52:40Do you think she knows?
52:42What do you mean?
52:44She has no idea.
52:46I destroyed all the clues she could reach.
52:49Don't worry.
52:50She will never find out that Yasemin is a child.
52:55Where did I make a mistake, Faruk?
52:58Why is Yasemin like this?
53:00I guess I couldn't be a mother.
53:04Couldn't I be a good mother, Faruk?
53:08Look at me.
53:10You are the best mother I know.
53:14Remember the day she came into my life.
53:16If it weren't for you...
53:19It's not possible to be a mother by giving birth.
53:24You gave her more love than her biological mother.
53:30I don't know.
53:32Maybe that's the problem.
53:34We love her so much.
53:36We gave her the world.
53:38She's used to having everything she wants.
53:41Maybe that's why she's like this.
53:46Now she's obsessed with Kerem.
53:53Whatever I say, whatever I do.
53:55Our daughter doesn't give up on him.
53:57The more she doesn't face him, the more Yasemin is obsessed with him.
54:01It's like she's living in a fantasy world.
54:09I'm asking you.
54:11Stop seeing someone.
54:14I mean, if you're thinking of working with them.
54:18Stay away from them for our daughter's sake.
54:22Otherwise, we'll lose Yasemin.
54:27Where is the key?
54:54Did you say light?
54:55Did you have a headache when you paid the debt?
54:58You paid the debt, you got rid of it, didn't you?
55:02Well done, girl.
55:04What did you do to pay the debt?
55:06Now we're going to eat our bread, aren't we?
55:10Now it's my turn.
55:11You said we'd pay you a new one after the old one.
55:14Let's see how you pay.
55:16That's enough, mom.
55:18I'm already in pain.
55:20Yiğit didn't take the money.
55:22You think everyone is like you.
55:23Everything is not money.
55:25There are more important things in life than money.
55:27But you don't know a thing about it.
55:29Give it to me, girl.
55:30I swear I won't believe it.
55:31Give me the bag.
55:32Where is the money? Is it in the bag?
55:33Okay, take it. It's there.
55:34I'll see.
55:36No, girl.
55:38No money.
55:39What do you mean no?
55:40Did you drop it?
55:55It's here.
56:10I swear this color is very simple.
56:26I'm sorry.
56:39Ms. Yasemin.
56:41Is Kerim at home?
56:43In the garden in front of his room.
56:45Is there a way from here?
56:46Yes, there is.
56:54Yes, Melis.
56:57How are you?
56:58I came to Kerim again.
57:00I'll surprise him.
57:03No, I don't know.
57:04I said surprise.
57:07Okay, I'll call you when I get out.
57:08Don't hold me now.
57:12Good morning.
57:13Good morning.
57:15I said I'd surprise Özge for breakfast.
57:17And I put it from her favorite.
57:20Did you prepare all of them?
57:22She'll love it.
57:23I'll go and wake up Özge.
57:37I'm so sorry.
57:44I'm so sorry.
58:14I'm so sorry.
58:44I'm so sorry.
58:45I'm so sorry.
58:46I'm so sorry.
58:47I'm so sorry.
58:48I'm so sorry.
58:49I'm so sorry.
58:50I'm so sorry.
58:51I'm so sorry.
58:52I'm so sorry.
58:53I'm so sorry.
58:54I'm so sorry.
58:55I'm so sorry.
58:56I'm so sorry.
58:57I'm so sorry.
58:58I'm so sorry.
58:59I'm so sorry.
59:00I'm so sorry.
59:01I'm so sorry.
59:02I'm so sorry.
59:03I'm so sorry.
59:04I'm so sorry.
59:05I'm so sorry.
59:06I'm so sorry.
59:07I'm so sorry.
59:08I'm so sorry.
59:09I'm so sorry.
59:10I'm so sorry.
59:11I'm so sorry.
59:12I'm so sorry.
