• 2 months ago
জন সূৰয দলৰ প্ৰতিষ্ঠাপক প্ৰশান্ত কিশোৰক জামিন প্ৰদান । আৰক্ষীয়ে তেওঁক বেউৰ কাৰাগাৰলৈ নিছিল, কিন্তু তেওঁক চৰ্তসাপেক্ষ জামিন প্ৰদান কৰা হৈছিল ।


00:00My Ansan was ongoing, it is ongoing, and it will continue to be ongoing.
00:09And in a way, we have validated the fact that sitting in Gandhi Maidan,
00:19a peaceful Satyagraha is not a violation of any law.
00:27And I don't want to say anything long-winded.
00:32Today, in the course of the day, in a lot of experiences,
00:37I have seen that there are hundreds of such policemen who have been in J&K for a long time.
00:45Wherever I have been, when I went to Ames,
00:50even there, the doctor is saying, sir, we have been associated with J&K for three years.
00:55As you know, the Fatuha community,
01:01when the Ames doctors did not get me admitted there,
01:08because the police did not have the complete paperwork,
01:13the police took me out of Ames and kept me in the ambulance for five hours.
01:19No community, no health center was ready to issue a fake fitness certificate in their name.
01:27In the end, they took me to Fatuha, and I want to salute the doctors there
01:33that despite all the pressure of the police, they did not issue a fitness certificate as per their instructions.
01:40Jai Jaldiha!
01:45Even among the police, when the police were bringing me to Patna from the Fatuha community center,
01:52at least three or four police officers told me,
01:57sir, the fight you are fighting, we are also candidates for the BPSC exam.
02:02One of them told me, sir, that in 2009, I was also released, we fought a lot.
02:08And the work you are doing is for the benefit of the children.
02:11We are tied to our jobs, but we fully support you.
02:15Jai Jaldiha!
02:17In the vote, most of the people said that we support you,
02:25we are with you, and you do not have to be afraid to bow down.
02:29So I want to thank every person in Bihar
02:34who believed in the ideology of Jan Suraj in today's fight,
02:39believed in our honesty, truthfulness, and truthfulness,
02:43helped us. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
02:48And I will finish by saying one last thing.
02:51My hunger was still there, it is still there, and it will continue to be there.
