• 2 months ago
उज्जैन: गुरु गोबिंद सिंह के 359 वें प्रकाश पर्व के उपलक्ष्य में 2 दिवसीय आयोजन के तहत सोमवार को नगर कीर्तन का आयोजन किया गया. इस अवसर पर बड़ी संख्या में सिख समुदाय के लोग आयोजन में शामिल हुए. नगर कीर्तन के दौरान विभिन्न मार्गों पर पुष्प वर्षा कर कीर्तन का स्वागत किया गया. इकबाल सिंह गांधी ने बताया कि "गुरु गोबिंद सिंह जी के प्रकाश पर्व के इस आयोजन का मुख्य उद्देश्य समाज में एकता और आपसी सद्भाव का संदेश देना है. नगर कीर्तन और लंगर सेवा के माध्यम से संगत और पंगत में समरसता का भाव जागृत किया जा रहा है." बता दें कि सोमवार सुबह दूध तलाई गुरुद्वारे पर अखंड पाठ साहिब की समाप्ति के बाद गुरबाणी कीर्तन और कथा विचार का आयोजन हुआ. इसके बाद शाम को नगर कीर्तन की शुरुआत की गई, जिसका गुरुद्वारा सुख सागर फ्रीगंज पर समापन हुआ. यहां संगत को गुरु के अटूट लंगर का प्रसाद वितरित किया गया.


00:30I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone
01:00I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid
01:30of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I
02:00am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of
02:30anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I am not afraid of anyone, I
03:30Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
04:00Today, to celebrate the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment, the Sikh community of Ujjain is with full enthusiasm artistic community has gathered here to perform their dance.
04:19It is being sung in the Nagarkirtan by the society.
04:21All our elders, women, sisters, mothers, sisters-in-law, daughters, daughters, sons,
04:27all of them must be watching the Nagarkirtan with great enthusiasm.
04:31And seeing the history of Guru Govind Singh Sahib and the four Sahaj Yadavs,
04:37the people of Ujjain are also helping in this.
04:41In this Nagarkirtan of our Sarvabansh Dhani, Sri Guru Govind Singh Sahib,
04:48the whole society is united in this Nagarkirtan with great enthusiasm.
04:52And I would also like to thank the people of this city,
04:55who are participating with us in this Nagarkirtan,
04:58and who are increasing the enthusiasm.
05:01And I would also like to thank the media, police, administration,
05:04who are also helping in this Nagarkirtan.
05:07Along with that, this festival is being celebrated with great joy.
05:10This has been your broadcast from Guru Govind Singh Sahib.
